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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Member

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    Welcome! I so admire the attitude and positive outlook. Congratulations on such a long, great marriage and amazing family! Sounds like a wonderful life. Keep up the good work, and keep us posted of your progress. Best of everything to you!



    Welcome to our group. I agree that the second (or third) opinion could be worthwhile. My mother is 75 and was also given a less than stellar prognosis (one year). However, after 2 SIRT treatments, we are over 2 years from DX and just returned from a vacation in Mexico. She has scans again in 2 weeks, but hopeful that we will be able to enjoy the holidays without treatments.

    Take care,


    Well done Marion, top of the class for you! Where would we be without google? Lost I would argue! Well I know I would be and guessing that you would be as well!




    Leaving us guessing? No way. Talk like this awakens my curiosity.
    As per google: Arsenal Football Club has developed a strong following since its founding in 1886. Arsenal’s fans are often referred to as Gooners, the name derived from the team’s nickname, the “Gunners”


    Hi Jack,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through with everything. But I am glad that you have joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of each from everyone here. Please feel free to talk, share and ask as many questions as you want and we will do what we can to help.

    You do sound very positive indeed and very active as well. All of that running and running 2 internet businesses as well, that will keep you very busy and occupied to say the least. So you are a Gooner then?? I’m guessing that all of our American friends here won’t have a clue what a Gooner is so maybe we should leave them all guessing and in the dark on that one then!! Ha!!!

    Loving your attitude and being too busy to worry about the negatives, love it! Just in case you are wondering where your other post went, I deleted the duplicate of this one. Looking forward to hearing much more from you and hope that you keep on coming back here.

    My best wishes to you,



    Jack…..I too would like to welcome you to our site. You have come to the right place for support, education, sharing of thoughts and ideas and to simply hang out. Is your cancer inside the liver (intrahepatic) or outside the liver (hilar or distal?)



    Posted this on your other posting but will added it here too in the event it isn’t seen on the other post:

    Hey Jack,

    Glad you signed on and also glad to hear you are doing so well. Your positive attitude will take you far. Nice to meet you and hope to hear more of your story soon. Take care and keep on doing what you are doing. You have too much living yet to do and a great family to share it with.



    Hello, Jack and welcome to our remarkable family. I am sorry you had to find us and I admire your amazing attitude! We don’t listen much to time frames as we were not born with expiration dates on the bottom of our feet. Today 74 is not old, I know I am there too. Your legacy of children and Grandchildren and length of marriage say more than you know about you! I am only wondering if you have ever thought about a 2nd opinion, we are huge believers in that and will be looking forward to some of your CC journey. Please keep us updated as we truly care.


    Hi – I live in Manchester, England and was diagnosed last December and given about 6 months! Cancer is inoperable and terminal – However I am a very positive and active 74 year old and am too busy to worry about negatives. I run two internet based businesses with my Oxford educated son, have a very close family (2 girls and a boy) 7 grandchildren and one new great grand-daughter – all who want my time + a wife of 53 years of great marriage. Also I had been very active runner with over 100 5k races and 20 10k events in past 3 years. Now building back fitness to be able to resume lighter runs. Plenty more medicallly to tell, but I’ll feed that in later.

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