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    Hello Celeste….I also would like to welcome you to this site where we bond in a special way. I noticed that you are from Brentwood. You might want to also get in touch with Dr. Vanook at UCSF who is quite familiar with Cholangiocarcinoma. Good luck and please, keep us posted.


    I dont know ANY American doctors so I cant help there and I havent heard of the Seratonin connection either, I am just a useless poster I guess. :)

    But I did want to welcome you to the site and second the idea that more knowledgble people will come along shortly. I am so sorry the cancer returned it is the fear we all have for each other. Please take care and keep us posted.




    Just wanted to say welcome, you are among friends here. Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers for your specific questions, maybe tomorrow some of our experts will weigh in.



    Hi, I am a new member to this site, but have been following it for a while.
    I was initially diagnosed in late Feb. 2008 with intahepatic cholangio. I had a 40% liver resection. The surgeon and pathologist were sure the “got” it all. I then followed with what was to be 6 months of GEMZAR
    chemo, but after 5 months I developed a lump in the hollow of my collarbone. So, after a scan in early OCT I learned I now have Stage IV and it has metasticized to my lungs and lymph nodes and has returned to the
    surgical margin area of my liver. I was devasted, but am keeping a real positive attitude. After that scan, I started two months of FOLFOX chemo, and a scan in early DEC showed that the cancer has not spread- I hope the chemo is working. I am halfway thru my second two months and will have a scan in early FEB. But, I have found so much info here and on the internet that I that I think I want a second opinion. I did write a Dr. at UCLA- Dr. Finn and he said he would do the same treatment I am currently having, but would maybe add Avastin. Sometimes I wonder if I should be on chemo at
    all, but am scared. I also read a study by Texas A&M and Univ of Washington and research centers in Italy regarding excess Seratonin causing an increase in Cholangio cell growth. Has anyone heard of that? I found the info on this site about Leptin very interesting also. Can someone tell me more about Dr. Lenz? I have seen his name mentioned here quite a bit. Nice to meet you all, and thank you to the people who started this site.
    I just think my oncologist is so busy with the common cancers-he does not do any research on my particular problem. By the way, I will be 55 in April
    and live in Brentwood, Northern CA.
    Bless you all- Celeste

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