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    Karen…. thanks so much for posting this. If you would like to and be so kind to post this link under Clinical Trials, also. This way we are sure that this won’t get lost in the threads.

    Thanks again,

    Criteria: Exclusion criteria will include:

    previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
    uncontrolled infection,
    a previous malignance other than non-melanoma skin cancer or in situ cervical cancer within the last five years,
    medical conditions precluding transplantation,
    metastatic disease (including N2 disease), and
    patients with hilar tumors extending below the cystic duct.

    Patients with extrahepatic metastases, local spread of disease to adjacent organs, and N2 nodal disease (metastasis to peripancreatic, periduodenal, periportal, celiac, superior mesenteric, and / or posterior pancreaticoduodenal nodes) will be excluded as will patients with extension of tumor into the main portal vein.


    Just curious. With PSC, does Aime have colitis or Crohn’s?


    My husband did not qualify for the Liver Transplantation for Cholangiocarcinoma clinical trial, but perhaps Aime will. Following is the link for the trial… I pray he can become a candidate.


    Hello Amanda….I am repeating Peter’s comments: Welcome to the club no one wants to belong to. However, I am so glad that you have found us. Most likely there are several physicians familiar with bilary bypass but personally, I only know of Dr. Roger Jenkins at the Lahy Clinic who performed this surgery on a dear friend of mine. Others may have more names to contribute.
    I am sending my best wishes to your and your husband,


    My name is Amanda. My husband is Aime and he has BDC. He was diagnosed last July. We were in the process of becoming candidates for liver transplantation. The transplant was necessary because of liver failure brought about by primary sclerosing cholangitis. As part of the transplantation process, my husband had to endure a barrage of tests, including screens for cancer. An ERCP performed July 3 showed malignant cells. We were declared ineligible for transplantation. Since that time my husband has had radiation. It seems to have worked as two subsequent scans have not shown any growth. Doctors in Michigan have been hesitant to administer chemo because of his elevated bilirubin levels. We went to the Mayo Clinic this week to get a second opinion. Doctors there tried inserting a stent but were unable to do it because of the intense scarring caused by the PSC. The Mayo docs said there was no other palliative surgeries. I have been doing some research and am interested in learning about biliary bypasses. Have any of you on here received the biliary bypass as a means of providing relief? I am not sure why the Mayo docs did not recommend it. I plan to follow up with them on Monday but in the meantime thought I would float the question to you all.
    I look forward to corresponding with everyone and sharing information.
    Until soon,

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