New Member – Husband was diagnosed July 2011

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Member – Husband was diagnosed July 2011

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    Good job. I applaud your persistence – unless you are ready to do so – never, never, give up. In re: to your question: we don’t have any reports on the above mentioned clinical trial however; I thought to enclose a link for your information:
    Best of luck,


    Yes, 2nd opinions counts; and yes,there are still many chemotherapy and targeted agents that we can try until otherwise. You did a good job on not giving up.
    God bless.


    Don’t know about the trial but a big YIPPE YEA for that 2nd opinion. Can’t ask for a better outcome than renewed HOPE. I am very happy about this and wish you a ton of good luck. I know you will keep us updated on hubby’s progress! Whew! You made my day.


    Talked with our other ONC dr (we have two, one closer to home and one that’s an hour away). He was much more optimistic the the other Dr and we left that visit feeling as if there is still hope. We decided to go back on the Oxaliplatin & 5FU again and deal with nueropathy for now and then possibly switch to a drug trial where they are testing AMG 386 (a bio drug) with Paclitaxel (a chemo drug). Has anyone else done this study???

    This goes to show once again that 2nd opinions are vital! After talking with the first dr. we left feeling like we were out of options, but now we know we there are still options to try (or re-try) and we have hope again and we’ll continue to fight.


    If I were you, I will get a 2nd opinion by another oncologist. I know drugs are expensive nowadays, but 10k a pill will be too high even including mark up by drug store, hospital,or by doctors’ office if they will dispense to patient. .BTW do you know the name of that drug that will cost 10k? The way that you mentioned about your doctor really will make me twice likely to have a second opinion if I were you.
    God bless.


    Dear sjreader, welcome to our elite and remarkable club that no one really wants to join. Your husband has really run the track and his ONC sounds pretty aggressive which is great. We always recommend 2nd and even 3rd opinions which help for peace of mind as well. I can’t be of help with chemo as my husband never had it, he had radiation and CYber Knife but I know others will come along and have some suggestions for you. 10K a pill, I cannot even fathom! Good luck with the next Scan and please keep us posted we truly care.


    My husband (age 39) was diagnosed with CC in his liver July of last year, in August they went in to do a resection surgery and pulled out after finding that the cancer had spread to his abdominal wall.

    In Sept ’11 he started chemo treatments, he started on a combo of Gemcitabin & Oxaliplatin, after being on that for 4 months with no change (no worse, but no better either). He then did a chemo embolization which was successful in destroying a lot of the tumor. Next was a combo of 5FU and Cisplatin, this combo was successful at further shrinking the tumor and lowering the tumor marker, however the side effects were too much to bear (peripheral neropathy making it hard to walk and type – which is essential to his job). So he was taken off the Cisplatin and left on the 5FU unfortunately after being on just the 5FU there was small growth in the cancer (milimeters)

    On to Ironotecan which he started on two months ago. This is a particularly harsh chemo, and one he wanted to discontinue after his next PET scan (scheduled for Tuesday 10/23) however, after going in for a CT scan to check the abscess in his liver that was caused by the embolization they saw that the tumor is actively growing now (centimeters now) and new spots are showing up. The Dr also said we are getting to the end of our options.

    We also just got back biopsy results that showed he is not eligible for any drug trails.

    The Dr said we could try some new bio drugs but they are $10k a pill and insurance is unlikely to pay for them (though we haven’t had any problems with insurance paying for anything yet).

    Does anyone had any experience with these new bio drugs, or have any suggestions/ideas to talk to our Dr about?

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