New member Introduction

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New member Introduction

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    Lisa…a warm welcome from me as well. Lisa, has your doctor mentioned genomic testing init where the cancerous tissue is analyzed and perhaps you can be matched with a targeted drug or immune checkpoint inhibitor?



    Dear Lisa, welcome to the best place to be for CC support. I am sorry you had to find us but you will see you are not alone now. You certainly have been through so much already and I truly hope this new treatment helps. I am wondering if you have ever thought of going for a second opinion as different Doctors see things differently. You sound like a very strong lady and you never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Please keep us updated on your journey as we truly care.


    Hi Lisa.
    Welcome to the forum.
    I am so sorry about your diagnosis and the progression of this nasty illness.
    I hope the Xeloda gives you positive responses.

    This is a great place for information and connecting with others.



    Hi my name is Lisa from Australia and am introducing myself as a sufferer of Cholangiocarcinoma.
    I was diagnosed one year ago after complaining of some pain below my right ribs feeling like a stitch that would come and go as if running or jogging.
    A CT scan confirmed the worst. Since my diagnosis I have had a laparoscopy, 5 cycles of chemotherapy (a combination of cicplatin and Gemcitabine), a portal vein embolisation on my liver, liver resection surgery to three quarters of my affected liver. Pathology tests showed an aggressive cancer and my body did not take too well to a second round of chemo.
    The cancer has metastasised to the lungs and newly regenerated liver.
    I am now on oral chemo in the form of tablets called Xeloda, currently into my second cycle.

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