New Member looking for advice

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Member looking for advice

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    Sorry to be so slow to respond- I just saw your post. We are from Virginia but were referred to Duke when first diagnosed. My husband sees oncologist Herbert Hurwitz at Duke. He also began a trial at Lineberger Cancer Hospital at UNC. He sees Dr. Autumn McCree at UNC. I also believe Dr. Morris at Duke has treated many CC patients. Hope all goes well!


    Hello Billsdaughter,

    So very sorry to hear about your father. Glad you found this site. It was invaluable to me when I was trying navigate this cancer and I am hoping that is the case for you as well.

    I am not from North Carolina ( I am in upstate New York), but I am sure others will answer with more helpful information.



    Hi Billsdaughter,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear about your dad, but, I am glad that you’ve joined us all here as you have come to the best place for support and help, and I know that the great members here will give you a ton of both.

    I can’t really help you regarding recommendations in your dads area as I am from Scotland, but I wanted to join Lainy and Marion in welcoming you here. I am sure that others will be along soon that can offer specific help for you.

    Please keep coming back and keep us updated on how your dad gets on with his treatment. That is great that he is handling his chemo so well and long may that continue. Please know as well that we are all here for so ask any questions you have and we’ll do our best to help.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Billsdaughter…. a warm welcome. Until others have a chance to respond, you might want to take a look at the below member established link:

    It is lengthy and for that I apologize, but we are expecting to categorize everything in States and Countries within the near future.



    Hi Bill’s daughter and welcome to our remarkble family, but sorry you had to find us. We actually have a few members in your area and I just know they will chime in here. I am so happy you are already considering 2nd opinions, this is very important for validation and perhaps other plans. Hang in here as sometimes weekends are a littler slow but help is on the way! Please keep us updaret as we truly care.



    My Dad who is 83 was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with CC, which we were told is inoperable due to spots on the liver. He has started Gemzar chemo and after 2 weeks is handling that incredibly well – no side effects at all except some general tiredness, but a bit of that has been normal anyway!

    So, we’ve started. However, given how rare this cancer is, I would like to get a second oncology opinion. My parents live in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area in North Carolina, with both UNC and Duke close by. Can anyone recommend an oncologist that has treated this type of cancer, for a second opinion? I would appreciate any recommendations.

    Thank you and bless whomever started this site – it has been so helpful!

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