Dear Kelly, Welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Truly sorry to read about the diagnosis of your CC but you have come to the best place for CC support. Not to mention our remarkable family.
When you have a chance, read some of our Members posts or if you have a question you can use our Search Engine at the top of the page. Type in a word or 2 and many posts will appear on that subject.
Do not be shy about getting 2, even 3 or 4 opinions. This is a very rare Cancer and no Doctor will mind you wanting more opinions. Keep a folder of all test and LAB results.
Please let your ONC know about absorption/digestion and weight loss and anything else going on as there are MEDS to take care of all those situations. You might try some nutrition shakes as they can even be taken in place of a meal or taken with a meal. My husbands favorite was Carnation Instant Breakfast, Vanilla and I would blend in a banana.
Here is a site you may find helpful:
Please do keep us updated on your progress as we truly care.