New member seeking advice

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New member seeking advice

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    Hello Vince, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to join us. My husband Teddy was 73 when he was DX and had an aborted Whipple then 3 weeks later the real deal. He had clear margins and yet 4 ONCS/Radiologists advised no chemo. That was 8 years ago. The main issue was at the Ampulla of Vater and was Distal as well. To chemo or not is one of the biggest questions we get but it is such an individual and personal decision. The Docs all felt that chemo would not help. So Teddy decided no chemo. He was clean and green for 3 years and then the CC returned to the exact same place. We opted for Cyber Knife which was a miracle but the CC returned again to the same place 2 years after that. He passed 3 years ago after 5 1/2 years with CC. When the ONC told him there was no more that could be done and Teddy had about 6 months he offered Palliative Chemo, Teddy asked him how much time it would buy and the Onc said a month. That was that and we did not do the chemo as Teddy wanted quality over Quantity. I can honestly say that when we looked back we had no regrets. Another question he always asked when it came to something new was, “Would you advise your father to do this?” Like I said it is a very personal thing. May I ask where you are being treated? You have come to the best place for support and we love updates.


    Hi, I’m Vince, a 67 year old male, and had the whipple procedure a month ago and am doing very well. My tumor was 2 cm, margins were clear, and of 16 lymph nodes 2 showed cancer cells. I was diagnosed as distal bile duct cancer and given the pros and cons of adjuvant chemotherapy. Due to the limited research on this disease, my dr is leaving the decision of having chemo up to me. I meet with my oncologist next week to discuss the situation. Anyone who has faced the same decision, I would like to hear your views and results as I’m trying to gather as much info as possible. Thanks.

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