New stents, but still not good

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    I’m not sure about progression, but my husband has also developed fluid, called ascites. Sometimes it is worse than others. He takes a diuretic and we use natural diuretics such as lemon water. His abdomen was not very swollen 4 days last week and then one day…abdomen very, very swollen.


    Hi 32 coupe, They did the dye test and since the replacing of the stents friday, he has not had a fever so far. I don’t know what they plan to do about the fluid around the liver. Our next appointment is Dec. 27th. You’ve certainly given me some questions to ask and I thank you.


    Hi Minnie,
    Did they do a dye test to determine that the stents were draining? Are his liver numbers in a normal range or are they high? Do they know the source of the fluid around the liver? That would certainly cause pain. Do they have a plan to drain off this fluid build up? Praying that Karl will have relief soon.
    God Bless!



    Since we’ve been in CA for a month now Karl has been hospitalized twice with infections. So yesterday he had his 2 stents replaced. He’s still not doing good though although in the ast stent replacement made him him feel really good. Now he has fluid around his liver they said. He never had pain before, but does now in his side. Is this the normal progression? does anyone know about this? the doctors seemed to be baffled. He is almost 7 months out from diagnosis. any input is appreciated. Thanks

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