New Surgery for Me

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    Lainy, you certainly do like to be different! I hope you have the pirate eyepatch bought? And just get the pirate hat to cover your head! Just make sure it’s soft so it doesn’t hurt.
    Seriously, good luck with the surgery. It really does help to trust the doc. I know Teddy is watching from above, but I sure hope he doesn’t send those lights blinking and scare your health team. Please, Teddy, wait until they are done. THEN blink those lights!


    Hi Catherine, mine is on the Menges which is the covering of the brain and above (frontal) the left ear. My Neuro said I will have stitches from over the ear in to the forehead so I am getting the side and back of my hair “buzzed” and keep the top spiked. In style, right? Yesterday I was reading up on Meningioma surgery and thought it in my best interest to stop. Which I promptly did. figured what I don’t know won’t hurt me. I have had so many crazy surgeries that the good news is after this there is NOTHING left in my person to take out anymore! The funny part is everything removed wasn’t needed anyway. Now I plan on enjoying life for the first time in years and will probably live into my 90’s like both my parents did. I hope Dad is doing well and I am purposely not asking you any questions. There is a good part to staying ignorant!!! Also this Neuro reads like he should be in the Neuro Hall of Fame so I have complete faith in him. You whippersnappers all think growing old is easy. One has to be very strong to grow old.



    So sorry that you insist on being unique and having these procedures done. Interesting that they warned you about the eye swelling shut. Dad had the brain surgery on a wed and it wasn’t until Saturday morning that he woke up with it swollen shut, but may be a different location.

    Love and prayers coming your way,


    Hi, my sweet Jen! Thank you so very much, have 2 weeks to go yet but my lists have lists. I just figured I have sailed though everything so far and will sail through this. I know it cannot be otherwise with so many wonderful people behind me. And then I will be back out leading the parade! Hope you and the girls are doing well. I am sure they are growing quickly and don’t blink or they will be starting college!


    Yeesh, just can’t do things the easy way, can you??!!
    You know I’ll be sending prayers, positive thoughts, warm wishes and whatever else you’d like me to send you from here! We all know you’ll do great, but recover quickly – things are never the same here when your banter isn’t included!

    Sending love too!!


    You know you will have lots of good thoughts and prayers heading your way Lainy. I know all will go well as we need you back here. ;) Will look forward to Robin’s post to let us know how you are doing.



    Believe me when I say, wish you were here. We have the same humor! Well, I guess you had to inherit something from me!!! LOL


    Ha!! Good point! Wouldn’t want Jerry getting freaked out from the flashing lights now would we!!


    Hey, Son from another Mum, Thanks for the reminder. I need to tell the Surgeon that if the lights go wacky during surgery, not to worry as it is just my husband trying to help! LOL Love Momma


    Just replied to your email Lainy.

    Yes another crazy surgery indeed and yes, you do so love being different and doing things your own crazy way!!! Maybe just once in your life you can try as you say doing things the simple way…… nope, didn’t think so! Ha!!

    You so know that tons and tons of positive thoughts and vibes are coming your way and I just know that Seinfeld is the right guy for you on this thing! Seinfeld’s hands and T watching down as well, sounds like a good team to me!

    Hugs and positive thoughts for you,


    PS – joining the circus…. I’m saying nothing!! :)


    Hello to my World Family: I will be off the Board January 25th for 2 weeks for another vacation at Banner Desert Hospital. Another crazy surgery, I only get crazy surgeries. Still recuperating from the Colectomy last May as that surgery caused nerve damage to the underside of my bladder. Takes a year or more to heal. There is a new treatment using Botox but not a sure thing so I told the Urologist if I am to get Botox it would be the other end!
    Anyway, I digress, must be age. I found out a year ago that I have a Meningioma tumor on the left side of the Menges which is the membrane over the brain. These are supposed to be very slow growing but not mine. You know I love being different. It has grown too much this past year and since I never do things in a simple way, it is pushing against a large blood vessel. So, like Teddy always said, “now we know what is wrong, let’s fix it”. I am ready. The good news is these are benign tumors.
    I picked a Neurosurgeon that reads like a whose, who! John Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, graduated suma cum laud and to top it off he could be a twin to Jerry Seinfeld. I am full of trust and faith in him.
    I will be on the Board until the 24th and my daughter, Robin will send a post after surgery. Dr. Andalkar told me that the left side of my head will be swollen and the left eye will be swollen shut. OK, so now I join a circus! It will be a 7 week recoup so I have XXLD all plans as it is also flu season and I just don’t need something else.
    Last but far from least, as I get closer to the 25th, all Prayers accepted especially that G-d come through the surgeon’s hands. Like my Rabbi says, “We are all going to the same place, just taking different paths to get there”.

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