New term for me, EUS

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    I agree with everyone…..insist on the bloodwork and put on your boxing gloves! Remember the doctors are working for you and you are the boss!

    On another note my Mom found a great deal of relief using a lotion called SARNA. You can get it over the counter at Walgreens and I think Walmart also sells it.

    Hang in there….I’m sending prayers and hugs!




    I really understand how you are feeling, but please insist on a blood test NOW to show your bilirubin count. Whatever you decide, you need to be comfortable.

    If your doctors are slow to order blood tests, an ER should be able to do it and give you the results within an hour or so. (At least around here). Wherever/whenever you get lab work, always ask for a copy for your own records.

    It’s really hard to ignore those <1% predictions, especially when new to this diagnosis; but best as you can, remember that statistics are for the masses, not the individual. I was hospitalized 3 weeks after my initial diagnosis with a bacterial blood infection and told my family I was done fighting and ready to die. Treatment had not even started at that time, except for stent placements. I was not able to hold on to a positive attitude when I felt so bad. Things can change, though. The roughest times have taught me that there is hope of feeling good again. I did not realize that until I went all the way through the valley.

    I’m in that <1% category, and it will be 2 years in July. My doctors cannot understand why I'm still doing great. We just don't know what the future will bring. I personally could not do this as well as I do without God's help.

    Praying for you Ritchie.



    Ritchie – I feel your pain with your message. It can be so overwhelming and there can be a point where you wonder what is the right thing to do. I will not even try to say what is right and what is wrong. You need to reach into your soul and do what you need to do. No one is here to judge and you must always know you can come here for strength. Sending you warmth and a day of sunshine – Nancy


    I had the severe itching all over prior to an ERCP, where the doctor doing the procedure placed three stents. Within a week, the itching was gone, along with the yellow man appearance. In my case, both symptoms were associated with bile duct blockage, which the stents relieved., but I don’t presume to know your case. I had a left hepatic lobe resection, and never saw those symptoms again. In my case, the ERCP made clear the CC diagnosis, and a CT scan confirmed the general extent of the CC. A liver function test, CA 19-9 blood tests and perhaps some others need to be ordered pronto, if not already done. BTW, nothing relieved the itching in my case until the stents were placed.

    It sounds like you don’t yet have a complete diagnosis/treatment plan. I would head for a big city major cancer center where the bulk of cc cases are handled and where you would have the best chance for successful treatment. I had surgery almost two years ago and doing fine, with a decent quality of life, so this can be treated if gotten to soon enough and the correct things are done.

    Best to you and hope all turns out well for you.


    Ritchie – I loved Marion’s suggestion that it is time for the boxing gloves to come on. We have learned that you have to be your own advocate in the health care world. Insist on the blood test even if it is to ease your mind. My husband had itching and rash – whatever the cause was, he got medication that took care of it. He had a pill and lotion that the doctor prescribed. Thinking of you with high hopes. Blessings, Susan


    Ritchie….I would insist on a blood test. There is no reason to have to wait any longer. Either the GP or the oncologist are able to order this test. You are suffering and something needs to be done. Time for the boxing gloves to come on.
    Thinking of you and wishing for better things to be around the corner.


    Oh, Ritchie, there is so much to weigh and figure out. I remember when Teddy was told he could have palliative chemo and it took him 3 days to say no. He felt it would only buy him a month but that it would bring him down quicker than without it. Guess one has to figure age, how they generally feel healthwise and last but far from least what will it buy for you. What are the doctors saying your prognosis could be with surgery. I honestly have not heard of anyone’s bile duct being damaged by radiation/chemo. I really think your rash is from the Gemzar. Please don’t listen to percentages. We have members here that were told 2 months and its been 2 years. I am wondering what he expects to find with an EUS that the Scans don’t show. I do know that the EUS is a no brainer. I have had many, but for ulcers. I will tell you as I always told my kids. Take a paper and pen and write a pro and con list of going further and see which side outweighs the other. I am sending you best wishes.


    Yesterday, after getting back from seeing the doctor about the extreme itching, I received a phone call from the surgeon. He wants me to come in on the 30Th of March for an EUS. I “”googled” the letters and discovered that an endoscope is used to get into close proximity to the bile ducts. I guess that the surgeon is going to talk to me about having one. Maybe then he’ll tell me anything that he might know about how long this itching is going to continue or/and if the surgery will be scheduled shortly.

    The GP didn’t have an answer for the rash. When I asked the oncologist if the cancer could be causing it, he stated that he didn’t think so. He felt that it was a reaction to the Gemzar. It’s difficult for me not to believe that the common bile duct wasn’t damaged by the radiation, and that there is a back up of bilirubin. I mentioned a blood test to the the GP yesterday, and he said that the Surgeon would be giving a blood test for that.

    Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. My quality of life has already deteriorated greatly. I can’t see surgery just to have a couple of months more of life. It’s rather difficult to shake that idea of being in the 1% category


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