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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New To all of this

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    Dear Jacquie,

    Welcome to our group- I’m glad you found us too. Many years ago my husband had colon cancer when my daughter was 7, and although I was with him for surgery, I stayed home, took care of the daughter and he dealt with the cancer and chemo much by himself. I now regret that I let him face most of the emotional side by himself. However, with CC, it is even more important to have someone else with you for support as you work your way through treatment plans. It is a very rare cancer and finding a treatment center that has a multi-disciplinary team and experience is SO important. As Marion said, your husband is probably still trying to adjust to the diagnosis. It may help you ( or your husband) to read the section for newly diagnosed patients on the homepage.

    Hopefully your husband will be a candidate for surgery which gives the best chance of a cure. However, if not, there are other treatment options and there is hope.

    Best wishes,


    Jacquie….welcome to our special board. It’s only natural that you feel fearful, no one wants to be confronted with a cancer diagnosis. But, your husband is young and many treatment options may be available to him. I realize it’s not easy, but please try to stay hopeful. Being that he has only been diagnosed he may not have much to share with you as of yet.
    With time you will become more comfortable with his diagnosis and feel less stressed.
    In the meantime please stay close with us. Share your thoughts and fears. We know this cancer and we are in this together.
    I hope for others to welcome you as well.



    Hi Everyone,

    I am very thankful to have found this message board. I wanted to introduce my self.
    My husband has recently been diagnosed with cholangio. I don’t know all of the details, bilirubin levels, etc that some of you know. My husband feels that he is protecting me by telling me just the basics. I wish he would let me in more but that is just my husband.
    I’m terrified. My husband is only 38. We have two children, a 2 year old and a 4 year old.
    Thank you to everyone who posts your experiences and knowledge.

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