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    Joanna….I too want to express my most sincere condolences on the loss of your dear Mom. It is for her and all the others touched by this cancer that we will continue to fight for better treatment options and ultimately a cure for this disease.
    May your heart begin to heal – one day at a time.
    Hugs and love,


    Dear Joanna, Please accept my sincerest sympathies on the Passing of your Dear Mother. I do believe that Mother’s never really leave their children and you will always feel her around you and in your heart. Perhaps stars are not stars at all but rather openings in the sky where our loved ones shine down on us to let us know they are HAPPY!


    Dear Joanna,

    I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. You have my deepest sympathy. Try to take some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering or in pain. Keep her with you forever in your heart and fond memories. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Joanna,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I so wish that there were words right now that I could say to you that would help ease the pain that you feel. Having been through this with my dad I can tell you how much your mum would have appreciated having you by her side at all times. Please know that we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.




    Dear Joanna,

    I lost my mother 4 months due to a UTI that turned into sepsis.
    I wish there is anything I can do or say to make you feel better and ease your pain. It hurts a lot..
    Keep your Mom close to your heart, she will always be your Guardian Angel.



    Thank you all for the well wishes. Unfortunately my mom passed away on July 6 at 1:44 in the morning. Not from the cancer but complications from pneumonia . My brother and I were with her when she passed. The pass year and a half has not been easy, but I am glad I was able to take care of her. She was not only my mom but my best friend. Please keep up the fight.

    Greatest respects and Love


    I am so sorry you were treated like this from an oncologist, she needs to retire her white coat. I am happy to read that the ICU doctor gave you hope and encouragement. Praying for your Mom.


    Joanna….incredible and poor bedside manner on behalf of the Oncologist. I have yet to encounter a physician with this type of behavior, and I work and come in contact with many, wonderful and caring doctors. Hoping for your experience to be an isolated incident.
    Stay strong.



    I too am sorry to hear about your mum and also about that oncologist as well. That attitude is terrible and should not be tolerated. I hope that your mum is as comfortable as is possible and my thoughts are with you both right now.





    I am so sorry you were treated so rudely by that doctor. Just go with your heart and what you feel is best for mom.

    Thinking of you.



    Dear Joanna,

    My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom and You.
    If the ICU doctor is saying that she is doing good, take the good news and ignore the oncologist stupid opinion.

    Please don’t give up hope.



    OMG!, Joanna, I would definitely report that idiot!!! I would demand to talk to another ONC and ask about a stent exchange with IV of Levaquin. My husband used to get these infections and the levaquin and ne stent made him feel so much better in like 24 hours. Please keep us posted on what happens! Best of luck and if I was your Mom’s daughter I would feel the same as you.


    I’m do sorry for you and your Mom. I can relate to bring a realist but that doesnt make this any easier. I’m glad your Mom is comfortable and stabilizing. Take care


    Well my mom is back in the hospital again. This time she woke me up about 3 in the morning getting sick to her stomach. She was breathing very fast so I knew she had aspirated some of what came up. When she arrived at the hospital she had a fever of 104 and an unknown ceptic infection. They think that it is coming from the new stent that was placed when she had her biopsy. She already has had one infection there right when it was placed. I finally got to meet with an oncologist during all of this and lets just say that I was not impressed, by the time the meeting was over I wanted to tell her what I thought, but I behaved my self…. She basically told me that nothing can be done and your mom is sedated and on a ventilator so just pull the tube and let her go. REALLY… When I met later with the ICU dr he stated that she was doing really good and they were trying to remove her from the vent. I am a realist and I know what is going to eventually happen do to her many health problems but she (her body) will tell us when its time and I am not going to let some A** hole oncologist tell me any different. I will fight for her till the end. Unfortunatlly that may be soon because during all this I suspect that she may have had another stroke. They are going to do a new ct shortly and let me know. If this is the case I will let her go because I don’t want her living the rest of her life in some strange home on a ventilator.


    sdlinriverside….Keep fighting and please keep us posted.

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