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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New to group

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  • #23582

    Welcome to the best helpful place you will find with this cancer. Your sister sounds spunky. I too hated the way people treated me at one hospital, like they were just waiting for me to push up those daisies. Luckily I get transferred and it made all the mental difference. I am sure your sister will feel the same way.

    And a little advice…we always push for second and third opinions. Dont let the distance between yourself and a surgeon keep you from considering them. A good surgeon who thinks they can get it is definately worth a flight.

    Best of luck to your sister.



    Hello and welcome. This is a great place for support to those who have been touched by Cholangiocarcinoma and I am happy for you to have joined us. I don



    Glad you found this site. It will be very helpful to you. The people here are great & very supportive & knowledgeable of this terrible disease that has now invaded your life & that of your family. I did not find this site until after my husband passed away at the age of 62. I wish I had found it sooner. Atleast you are here now. You will get a lot of information & support. As things progress, feel free to ask questions, vent or whatever you need to do. We are all here for each other. I have found that only people who have dealt with or are now dealing with this cancer can truely understand. It sounds as if your sister has already made one good decision by looking for a new doctor. I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, however I also understand you wanting more. My husband & I had 45 wonderful, full years together which is more than some people ever have, but I keeping saying that I am selfish, I wanted more! You & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers.



    Just had my only sister diagnosed with CC and I’m not handling it well. She is only 61 yrs old, just retired, is celebrating a 2nd wedding anniversary next week and starts her chemo tomorrow. She does not have a computer so I am trying to look at options for her. We live in Atlantic Canada and she lives 3 hours from me in another province. I am trying to find out the best options for her. She has a wonderful family doctor but is just replacing her oncologist because she said he made her feel like “an old cow being led to slaughter and all he was offering was the fastest way to get her there”. Needless to say this relationship was not healthy and a change was needed. She is the most upbeat person I know and if you need to feel better during all this, you simply call her. We just celebrated our Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend with all our families and as wonderful as it was, I want more! She has not seen a surgeon yet but I hope this happens soon as she does want to at least explore this option, if it even is an option. I have not told her I am using this site as I don’t want her to think I am in need of support, as that would be her main concern and likely a cause of guilt for her to think she is worrying us. That’s just her and the wonderful, kind, giving person that she is. I want to be sure I have explored whatever avenues I can for her in the event I am able to find something useful to throw out there. I welcome seeing posts from other patients and their families and thank you all for the opportunity to join your group and hear about your lives.

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