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    Dear NolaPat,
    Welcome to this site. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I have been fighting ICC for 5 years now. You will find much support here! There are so many people here willing and able to share information and support! We all care and hope to encourage and help in any way we can! I will pray that your husband’s pain is relieved….hang in there and please stay in touch. Hugs to you!


    My husband Neil has ICC. He was diagnosed 21/2 years ago. His tumor was inoperable although a resection was attempted, and he has been on chemo on and off for all this time. He has a biliary stent and last week had photodynamic therapy. We go to MD Anderson every 3 months and he has had a good response to Avastin and 5-FU. He has abdominal pain and has been on a 6 week break from chemo. We thought the pain might be colitis but it has not gotten any better off chemo. We are now thinking the pain is from scar tissue. He also has huge abdominal hernias and we will need to decide if we want to pursue surgery for these. Although his reports have been good and we have a great group of doctors, I cannot help but worry when I see him unable to enjoy life due to this illness.

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