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    Thank you all so much for your input. All-Star, you have apparently done your research. How interesting that your diagnoisis was the same as mine. You should know that I am going to badger you for information. Believe me, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing (along with my very supportive family) that has gotten me to this point. Thanks!!


    Hello Sissy….I don’t have much to add to what already has been told, but simply wanted to send a warm hello to you. I wish you luck with the upcoming treatment and looking forward to clean scan reports coming your way.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Sissy,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but I’m glad that you have joined us. I have no experience in stem cell treatments but I wanted to stop by here and welcome you. You have come to the right place here as you will get a ton of support and help from all of us. Please, if you have questions then feel free to ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them. We are not doctors, but will do our best for you in helping you any way that we can.

    What chemo are you starting next week, is it the Gemcitibine/Cisplatin combination or something else? I hope that you keep coming back here as we are all here for you and we care.

    Best wishes,



    I am a patient and have the same CC descriptions as yours .I had my left lobe removed and RFA(ablation )done at the 2 spots in my right lobe with clear margin 2 years ago; Gemzar chemo for 14 months as adjuvant therapy.

    Usually when the surgeons(liver specialist) perform resections,they will use intra-operative ultrasound to detect the CC they cannot see in the liver and do ablations (RFA) to burn the tumors dead unless the tumors are too close to vital organs.So you should not worry too much about the clear margin .
    The chemo you will receive most likely is the adjuvant therapy consist of either Gemzar or a combination of Gemzar plus one of the platin group agents like (Cisplatin, oxaliplatin);Or 5Fu.
    I am not a doctor,but I know you will do fine since the age factor is on your side.
    The prednisone you take is not the risk factor that contributed to the disease CC.

    For chronic prednisone user like you, and if your dose of prednisone >5mg daily, may I suggest you should talk to your GP to order tests like Bone mineral density(BMD),preferably of the spine;lipid profile and serum glucose to monitor and prevent osteoporosis.and you should take calcium and vitamin D supplementation daily as suggested by your doctor.

    Stem cell treatment of any sort–outside of bone marrow transplants and a few other rarely used treatments–are not anywhere close to being therapeutic use.(from Arthur Caplan Ph.D.-a msnbc contributor)
    The ONLY and FIRST stem cell therapy product that just got FDA approved in June 2011 for “improvement of the appearance of moderate to severe nasolabial fold wrinkles in adults “is Laviv (Azficel-T) . In short,there are no approved and effective stem cell treatment or protocol for CC in the States.

    Sometimes if you treat CC as a chronic disease like hypertension or diabetes
    ,you will feel much better and will provide yourself more positive energy to take care of your illness.
    CC is a long and winding road that required courage ,patience and knowledge to navigate on it . Don’t worry,you will be fine.As the bible saids in 1.Corinthians 10:13,”.

    God is faithful,and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength,but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.”
    God bless.


    Hello Sissy and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us.
    Congratulations on already being a CC survivor. You are so lucky to have been able to have the surgery and to have Dr. Clary. None of us know wht the future holds but we try to stay realistically optimistic as attitude has so much to do with healing and feeling good. Don’t listen to statistics as we have quite a few members on this Board who have beat the odds. While I have not had experience with stem cell treatments I know that they do a lot of it at the U of Arizona in Tucson. We have a search engine at the top of the page, type in stem cell and see if anything comes up in older posts. I am wishing you the best and please keep us posted on your progress, you have come to the right place!


    Hi, I had a resection on June 15th at Duke Medical Center by Dr. Brian Clary. He was a wonderful doctor who took a chance and saved my life. My entire left lobe was removed and a couple of spots on the right side. A clear margin was not obtained on the left lobe. He got as much of the cancer as the human eye cold see but not a clear margin. Therefore I start chemo next week. I am a 46 year old female that is in excellent health other than Mixed Connective Tissue Disease which I have had for 17 years. I feel that my connective tissue disease is the culprit of this cancer. I have taken a lot of prednisone over the years which probably a contributor as well. I am fearful of the future. I have wonderful husband and two children and a loving family that I am not ready to leave yet. Has anyone had any experience in stem cell treatments? Your friend in Christ, Sissy

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