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    Dear ssteiners,

    I have a suggestion for you… I am new here to the site and do not want to step on any rules with recommendations.

    Knowing insurance is such a limiting thing… Check out Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Yes the one with the commercials that sound to good to be true…

    I have found them to be better than the commercials. Insurance is always an issue… However, they are out of network for me, but they have programs to help the patient with coverage but as out of network…

    It is worth a look anyways…

    Good luck…



    Thanks for your responses. I am trying to get appt with Johns Hopkins for 2nd opinion. It’s been frustrating over past 12 weeks not having chemo and doc wants to wait until platelets come up (thinks spleen is eating them.) or wants to wait for disease progression! As of 3 weeks ago AFS was 13, CA19-9 was 28 and CEA was 3.6. I have huge tumors in both lobes and little lesions all around. No evidence of lymph node uptake. No co morbidity. Any advise is appreciated. Looking forward to sharing and receiving info.


    Dear Ssteiners, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. When one Doctor runs out of ideas it is time for another opinion. We are heavy believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions. I can’t help with insurance questions but we do have some valuable advise from others who have the experience. I am sure you will be hearing from them. On our home page is a Catagory loaded with great Hospitals you might want to take a look and see if anything that has been recommended is in your area. Please keep us update as we truly care.


    ssteiners…welcome to our site. You are mentioning a good response to both treatments; chemo and radioembolization. What has happened since? Please share a bit more with us.


    I was diagnosed in 9/11. Had good response to chemo and radioembolization, but my oncologist doesn’t seem to have any more options for me. Looking to learn more about what’s out there and how to challenge HMO Insuance company to allow me to be seen by out of network liver cancer specialists. There are NONE in South Florida!

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