New to site, mom diagnosed back in March

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New to site, mom diagnosed back in March

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    Thank you all, hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I was able to spend with my mom and family all together, she said that was the best present.

    Lainy, she was diagnosed Stage 4, has a large tumor on the lower rear of her liver. The cancer is also in her peritoneal cavity.

    She was doing so great with chemo and unfortunately the past two treatments she has had reactions to and doctor will be looking this week to see about changing up or what is going on.

    Again, thank you all and I look forward to the discussions and hoping we all can help and support each other and find out how to help this disease go away!


    Dear Toongirl,

    Welcome to the site, you will get so much support here as you want or need it.

    I hope you have been able to spend today with those that mean the most to you.



    Dear Toongirl,

    Welcome to the site, but sorry you had reason to find us. Your Mom sounds like a fighter for sure and I am so heartened to hear that she is tolerating chemo so well.

    It is challenging to understand and process all of the information about this disease but it sounds like you are doing very well as an advocate for your mother while still managing your life.

    I hope you are able to have a nice Christmas and here is hoping that 2014 brings nothing but good news.



    Dear Toongirl welcome to our elite family but sorry you had to find us. What was Mom’s Diagnosis? Like Stage and where the CC is located. Gem/CIS seems to be the popular cocktail and I am glad to hear your Mom is taking to it so well. Curious too where the ONCs are that she saw. Give her a little time and she may join in yet, I would li8ke to see her come aboard as I feel it helps to cope with this monster. I wish your family a very Marry Christmas and a Healthier New Year!


    I have been debating on joining the discussions and site. As you all know the overwhelming emotions just take a toll sometimes.
    My mother was diagnosed with CC in March with an unknown primary. Surgery was not and is not still an option. We have been to 4 different centers for opinions and options. She has been on chemo (Gemzar/Cisplatin) since May and fortunately has responded well. My brain is in such a fog and don’t know all her numbers right now.
    I have been trying to be strong for her and still manage my own family (3 young girls). I also have asked her to join the site in hoping to be able to discuss with others all that she is going through and those who can relate. She hasn’t yet, but maybe soon.

    The amazing part though is she is still here and fighting. She has made it past what doctors thought.

    I wish all those going through this many blessings

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