New to the Group

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New to the Group

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  • #82278

    Hi Diana, Another warm welcome although I too wish you didn’t have a reason to have found us. You will find a lot of caring, loving people her to give you as much help and support as we can. Darla


    Hi Diana. Just wanted to extend another warm welcome to the site. Sorry about the diagnosis and that you have a reason to be here but this group of people and foundation has been such a gem and I hope you all get the care and support you need.


    Hi Diana,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry as well to hear what your husband is going through. But you have come to the best place for support and help and you’ll get loads of each from everyone here. I can’t help personally with any experience of CUP as my dad’s diagnosis was of CC. Have you considered getting a 3rd or even a 4th opinion as to surgery? Should you wish to seek further opinions then I know that you will get plenty of good recommendations from people here on the site.

    Please keep coming back here and let us know how everything goes. You are not alone in this now and we know how you feel, we are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Diana…welcome. I have answered your other posting. Hoping for others to share their thoughts with you.


    Hi Everyone,

    My husband (age 57) was diagnosed with cancer of unknown primary in Jan. 2014. After several tests, it was determined that he had bile duct cancer. They are 86% sure that it is cholangiocarcinoma. He has been receiving folfox and oxiplatin since then. It has helped reduce the tumors in his liver (there are two tumors, one is very large, now 11 cm around reduced from 13cm). There are tumors on both sides of the liver and I think a lymph node. We have gotten a second opinion from NIH (we live in MD) and no one wants to do surgery. Has anyone else started their journey with a diagnosis of CUP? Glad to have found you guys!

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