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    Welcome Karldot….I agree with what has been said and would encourage your Dad to be seen by his physician. Please, stay in touch.
    Many good wishes coming your way,


    Hello Karldot and welcome. Your Dad’s been through a lot, but it’s tough to stop a golf lover! I would think that breakfast, lunch and a nutrition shake for dinner is a pretty good calorie consumption. My Mom use to put a couple scoops of ice cream in Dad’s nutritional shake, along with his vitamins, to get some extra calories in there. You may have to keep encouraging your Dad to try new foods too, as I found that my Dad had some odd cravings and aversions in his cc, it would be hard to tell a lot of the time what he would or wouldn’t eat.

    I don’t know if your Dad is on meds for pain or discomfort or constipation, but these use to sometimes bother my Dad’s stomach too. I’d definitely bring it up at the next doc visit.

    Thinking of you and your Dad,


    Hi Karl and welcome to the best little club that no one wishes to have to join.
    My husband was 73 when he had his Whipple 4 years ago. Would he do that at 80? Probably not. Its the biggest surgery to the human body there is. Not life threatening but a huge surgery. I have to agree with Darla, that at 80, quality of life is so much more important. Last year Teddy’s cancer returned where his duodenum used to be and he had radiation and cyber knife. The radiation really zapped him (no pun intended) for months! Teddy was very lucky as they got it all but as we know it returns. 3 top Oncologists here all said to Teddy if they could not easily get the CC that returned they would not let him go through any more. Bottom line it is such a personal and family decision. What ever you all decide know that it is the right decision! Please keep us posted, we all care.


    Hi Karldot,

    Welcome to the site & I am glad you decided to sign in and start posting. As you already know from reading, there is a lot of knowledge here and the most wonderful, compassionate people you want to know.

    I am sorry you need to be here and that your Dad is dealing with this awful, unpredictable cancer.

    Unfortunately I don’t have any answers for you, but I am sure you will be hearing from others shortly who may be able to advise you.

    It is just my opinion, but I think that at 80, your Dad’s quality of life is a very important factor. If he is still golfing, it sounds like he is doing pretty well and doing what makes him happy.

    As for the weight loss & stomach pain. That is something that should be looked into. Talk with his doctor’s and if necessary even get a second or third opinion. Then he can make a more informed decision as to which direction to go.

    You are right, there are no mircale cures, but there are mircales as have been seen on this board.

    Take care. I am sure you will be hearing from others shortly.



    I’ve been monitoring this website since my dad was dx with cc back at the first of the year. Now I’m looking for help. They attempted to do a whipple but were unable due to the spread of the cancer. We tried two types of chemo which didn’t help. Radiation was also ruled out. So now he is playing golf. He is 80 and the cancer has spread to his liver, pancreas and some lymph nodes. His C19-9 is around 16,000. He had been maintaining his weight after initially losing 20 lbs but now has lost five pounds in a week and is complaining about his stomach hurting. He’ll eat breakfast and lunch but has a nutrition shake for dinner now. Any thoughts? I’ve researched clinical trials but he does not appear to be eligible for anything. He keeps sending me “miracle cures” to look at, and I keep tellilng him they are scams. Has anyone found anything that will help. Thanks, Karldot

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