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    Julie….most likely the genetic test will provide answers to possible mutations which then may respond to targeted agents.
    It is likely that the “newly” appeared nodules avoided detection due to the 1cm plate thickness of the scan itself. It is for that reason that the true extent of the disease becomes visible only to the surgeon during the operation. And, it is for that very same reason that many surgeries are aborted.
    Tons of good wishes are heading your way.


    Hi Julie, I fortunately did not have many issues with the chemo. I started last August. I would say around starting mid November it did seem to appear that I would not bounce back as quick after chemo and i was taking more days to rest as my biggest issue was fatigue. Around this same time I started to play the number game and occasionally my counts would be too low for treatment. Other than that I tolerated it pretty well. Good luck.


    Thanks Porter! I certainly hope so! She is also getting gem/ox combo and having a tough time with side effects even though we were told there would not be many. Did you have any issues with the gem/cis?


    Hi Julie I too wanted to extend a warm hello and welcome you to the site. I don’t have any info regarding the pump either and my experience is only with the chemo regimen gem/cis. I have heard other stories similar in finding satellite lesions that were not shown on previous scans and then did appear. I noticed in your first post it looked like docs felt she could be a candidate for surgery in the future and I wish you all the best on the CC journey and that her current treatments continue to shrink those suckers!


    Thanks Marion. I will definitely ask next week about radiation. For some reason they felt the HAI pump was the best way to get started due to the size of the primary. Her onc did not mention switching drugs yet after reviewing the MRI. I don’t know why but they are thinking these smaller lesions may have been there all along and gone undetected in previous scans, and are calling them “stable” so far. They are also waiting for results of the test that will show what chemo drugs work best based on her biopsy…not sure what that test is called.


    Sally….I too would like to welcome you to our site. Sally, who is your current physician? I would make an appointment with the surgeon, as he/she may want to order a scan. Please do not ignore the feeling of tiredness; you need answers and those can only be provided by the physician.
    Please keep us posted.


    Julie…the physicians will be ready to answer your question. Based on what we have seen on this site, systemic chemotherapy may be switched to a different agent(s.) or administration of current GEM/OX may be considered for another cycle and your Mom will be rescanned thereafter. Julie, had radiation treatments been ruled out?
    Hang in there, you are on the famous cc roller coaster ride. Please keep us informed.


    Hi everyone, looking for some input…the results of my mom’s first MRI after one round of pump chemo show mixed results. The huge tumor shrunk by more than 10%! BUT she now has multiple small satellites that were not there last time. I’m freaking out now and don’t know what to think?!


    Sally, my Teddy’s LABS were good but his ONC put him on Vitamin B12 injections once a month. They really made a difference. You and I are about the same age. Hope you find something to help you have more energy.


    hello, I am so appreciative of this site. At 73 yrs old, 18 mos. ago, one day I was merrily going my way and about the next, I was in surgery. I had 1/3 of liver removed. I am thankful it was caught early enough to be able to enjoy life – differently. All drs., family, most of all me, decided it was best not to try any type of treatment. So far, it has been fairly easy but in the last month or too I noticed I am very, very fatigued. What is most frustrating is my lab work if “perfect”.. I just dont understand this – I can hardly do anything for more than 5 mins. before resting about 20 mins. I live alone but have my son and his family nearby. thanks for any help.


    Thanks Derin! We were just in NYC today getting treatment. Next week is an off week. Best of luck with your procedure!



    Dr. Jarnagin did my resection in 2011, he is good, all business, but good. great team around him as well, Kathy is also great. let me know if you have any questions. i have to go to Sloan this Monday and will be an inpatient for 3-4 days. if you are there, stop by to say hi!!


    Thank you everyone! Good news today, after one round of chemo the tumor shrunk by 1cm.


    Hi Julie,

    Thought I’d add my welcome to the others and sorry you had reason to find us. Sorry about your Mom, but it sounds like you have a plan in place, which is always comforting.

    Take care,


    Hi Julie,

    Welcome to this site, but also so sorry you had to. When I hear pump, I think of our moderator, Kris J. I know she has a pump implanted and can tell you all about it when she returns from her vacation. I wish you and your Mom all the best.


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