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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New to this website

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    Hi Kim,

    Welcome! Your mother’s story sounds very similar to mine. I also had a Whipple (clear margins, no lymph node involvement) and 6 months adjuvant chemo and was at stage 2b. I am a 3 year 8 month survivor of extrahepatic
    cc and just had a scan last week which showed no disease.

    We are here for you!

    If you want to email me, feel free.



    Hi Kim,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry to hear about your mum. But I’m glad that you’ve joined us here as you are so in the right place for support and help and you’ll get a load of each from everyone here.

    Thanks for sharing about your mum and that is good that she was able to have the whipples and great that she is doing so well! Glad to hear that she also did the chemo after it and I will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible results from the tests last week and hope that you get some good news on Monday. And please let us know how things go on Monday too and what the onc says about everything.

    And please, keep coming back here as well. You are not alone any more, you are with us. We know what you are going through and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    THANKS everyone for such a warm welcome!! I should have joined a long time ago when I really needed the common companionship and communication.

    Lainy – yes, mom had clear margins. The doctors gave her an option of doing the chemo… said “better safe than sorry”. We are in constant prayer that things are going to be fine!

    Thank you all!


    Welcome Kimalf,

    I love your positivity. It’s no mean feat coming through what you have with your mum and still have the energy to be so upbeat. I wish your mum all the best on Monday.


    Kimalf….a warm welcome. I too hope that your Mom is recovering well. Given the low staging and subsequent surgery including adjuvant therapy, your Mom’s prognosis is excellent. Congratulations. Time to relax and to take a break from all that has happened because; this type of cancer sets us into a tail spin from which we need to recover as well.
    I am glad that you have found us. Please stay in touch.


    Hello Kim, and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join! Sounds like your Mom is doing quite well and I always give a BIG YIPPEE to our Super Hero surgery survivors. My husband had a Whipple 8 years ago but at that time they did not follow up with chemo if you had clear margins which he did. In fact his was Stage 2B as well. Boy we sure knew a lot less then, than we do now which shows we have come a long way in these 8 years. I do hope Mom is recovering well and you will see right here that you are not alone. You will find the CC family blending right in with yours! Wishing for the best and please do keep us posted as we truly care.


    Hello Everyone –

    I am new to this website, although I have been following it on FB for a few months. My mom was diagnosed with CC stage 2B in October 2012 and since then has undergone the Whipple procedure and 6 months of chemo (gemcitibine). She had her first ct and mri this week and we see the Oncologist on Monday to determine the results and next steps.

    I am happy to be here and to know that my family is not the only one battling this horrible disease.

    thank you all for sharing your experiences and your feedback. I will do the same in hopes that it will help someone down the line!

    God Bless!

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