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    Hi Ellen,

    I would just like to join the others in welcoming you to the site. I am sorry your Dad’s cc is in-operable but if you trawl through the search engine at the top of the page you will read many many stories of others told the same news and the treatments they had or are having….

    My Dad also had cc and was initially told it was in-operable but then a maverick surgeon said he could offer him a liver resection, sadly for us it was not meant to be and he died 9 days later.

    Wishing you strength on your journey with your Dad, please keep us updated.



    Hi Ellen,

    Welcome to the site. I’m sorry to hear about your dad and that you had to find us all here, but I am glad that you have joined us as you will get tons of support and help from all of us. I came here in 2008 after my dad was diagnosed and it was the best thing that I could have done.

    Please don’t worry about how the website works, just post away as much as you want! And if you have any questions at all then just ask and we will all try and help if we can. My dads CC was also inoperable and he had PDT as his treatment. Please let us know how your dads biopsy goes and what treatment his docs think he should have, and remember that we are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Ellen – Welcome and best wishes to you, your Dad and your family. Where is your Dad being treated and what have the doctors considered as a potential treatment? There are so many things to think about right now, so you may be feeling overwhelmed right now. That is very normal, but we are all here for support, so stop by and vent when you need it. Best wishes – Nancy


    Hello Ellen and welcome to our site. Please, continue to share with us. We are here to help and share information, lead you to information, and we are always ready to support anyone touched by this cancer.
    We are glad that you have found the “club no one wants to belong to” but, are so happy to have found.
    All my best wishes,


    My dad was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma about 3 weeks ago. I was drawn to the postings by Melanie and here I am posting my own. I’m new at this so I hope I can figure out how this works. My dad is going in for biopsies next week but already knows that it is inoperable and incurable. They are just now trying to decide on the course of treatment. He has spots on his lungs as well as his liver being 2/3 affected. He also has cancer showing up in his right shoulder. We should know more after the biopisies.
    Thanks for being there,

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