New with an urgent question

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New with an urgent question

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    Welcome, Raintree. I’m sorry you have to be here, but it’s a wonderful place to be!!

    I do hope the doctors get your dad’s pain under control soon.

    All my best wishes


    raintree….I would also like to chime in and welcome you. As the others have shared with you I believe also that you Dad should be seen by a physician immediately. Just because the appointment is two weeks from now does not mean that symptoms should not be addressed immediately. The gastroenterologist will be able to either, prescribe something or, admit your Dad to a Hospital or, refer him back to the GP; either way, pain and fluid retention need to be addressed asap.
    I am glad that you live close to Lainy. She has quite a following in your area and a visit with her will be lovely. She is a real trooper and means much to all of us.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Raintree. We are just minutes from you, in Sun Lakes! This World is getting smaller. I have a daughter in Gilbert who has been with us all along this journey but if you ever feel the need to get together just let me know. Teddy’s Urologist is in Awatukee, Dr. Bigelow. He is absolutely the BEST! About your dad, I stand firmly by my words that I would take him to ER. No one needs to suffer that way. Sloan Kettering is excellent as well as Rochester MN. Again please accept my open invitation to visit. We also have a new couple about 10 minutes from me and we are going to get together but she has started her chemo and is having a rather difficult time, so I told them when they are ready, I am here. Wow! That is 3 of us with in a 15 minute radius. Love the Xmas lights in your neck of town. On Chandler Blvd.


    Thank you everyone for your replies. Lainy, I am also in AZ (Ahwatukee) and I read on another post you are just south of Chandler? I did not catch if you have family in this area so if there is ever some way that I can help, please let me know. My Dad is back in the Midwest and my mother and siblings are doing an outstanding job taking care of him. I just feel bad that I cannot be there to help and be with them. The opinions we are pursuing are from the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals of Cleveland and UPMC (Pittsburgh). We have also thought about Sloan Kettering. I think I have seen most of the posts on these centers but if anyone has recent experiences or more information about any of these centers to share, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again for all of your support.


    WElcome to the site. I agree with Lainy, there is absolutely NO reason why your dad should suffer pain. The fluid needs to be addressed, whether it is drained or stronger pain medication given. Call his doctor and see who handles this and see if they can help him. Pain is not something that we should wait on.



    Hi Raintree,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Please feel free to ask any and all questions that you have and I’m certain that you will get lots of answers. Yes a 2nd and 3rd opinion does sound like a good idea as does Lainy’s of going to the ER if need be, especially as you say your dad is not eating or drinking and is in pain right now. If you go to the ER then they would have to do something then. And calling his oncologist and trying to get his app moved forward would also be an idea.

    As to your question about fluid retention and diuretics before draining, I cant help you with that specifically. My dad was diagnosed last year and had no fluid retention at the time. His CC was deemed inoperable and was treated with photodynamic therapy. Before that, he had a metal stent inserted to drain off the bile and deal with the jaundice which worked for him.

    My dads medical team consist of the specialist who diagnosed and treated him with the PDT, then the oncologist to assess for chemo which he couldn’t get and his local GP’s at day care and in the community who look after his day to day needs and symptoms, and his Macmillan nurse, a specialist cancer nurse who sees dad at his home.

    I hope you manage to get your dad some help here and I wish you both my very best wishes.



    Welcome, Raintree, to the best little club in the world with the most caring and brilliant people there are. So glad you came aboard. I think Cholangio carcinoma Takes a team of specialists. Oncologist, radiologist, GP and Gastro.
    Definitely call his Oncologist or take him to ER. There is no reason for him to suffer or to wait another 2 weeks. Have you gotten your 2nd/3rd opinions? Do you mind telling us where you are and where he is being treated. Are his doctors VERY familiar with CC? We do not give up easily. Also if you need a question answered quickly go to the top of the page, where you will see a SEARCH button and just type in a word and information will come up. Please keep us posted, we care.


    Hi everyone,

    I just discovered this site a few days ago and have found it so helpful. My thoughts and prayers go out to each of you.

    Our father was diagnosed with a klatskin tumor last month and has been told it is not operable. We are seeking a second and third opinion thanks to the information we have learned on this site. He is not currently being treated aside from symptoms – one stent that was ineffective and drainage tubes which have been replaced once. My urgent question is in regard to fluid retention in the abdomen. No one has addressed this yet and it is getting worse and causing quite a bit of pain. He does not want to eat or drink much and I am assuming it is because of the fluid. There has also been some weight loss. Prior to the cancer, he was in good health with the exception of diabetes managed by drugs and diet but not insulin. He has an appointment with the oncologist the week of Thanksgiving but I am worried that the fluid issue will be intolerable by then and not sure that the oncologist would be the one to address this? Is fluid retention typically addressed by the gastroenterologist or another doctor? Are there any concerns with having the local gastroenterologist address this even though he is not part of the cancer treatment team? If there is quite a bit of fluid does it even make sense to try diuretics first prior to drainage? Any other thoughts? Thank you so much!

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