Newbie- mom diagnosed with Klatskin

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    It’s always great to hear some good news! Good luck to you and your mom!


    cosinus….great to hear that your Mom responded to the antibiotics. With this disease we always have to be watchful for infections. Your Mom must already feel much better and I am hoping for the blood sugar to follow and regulate itself. Thanks for sharing the good news.
    Best wishes,


    good news – mum’s back home today, fever was gone the same day she started antibiotics, and old stent still works-her bilirubin level keeps going down,so there was no need to change it-we’re happy.she got also new medicine,something that makes bile more thin. only her blood sugar still runs wild, I think it’s because of inflamation but I’m sure it will be better soon.
    I hope for the best and pray for all of us!


    Raye, we already did, thanks for suggesting it :) !


    Just e-mail each other in Croatian. That would be cool!!


    Hi Cousinus. Very simply put…..if you feel you want a 3rd opinion, even slightly feel that way….go for it! Listen to your gut feelings, they are usually right.


    Well, thank You all for so quick, wellcoming and comforting answers!
    Maybe I was not clear enough first time, CT scan did show some mass round bile ducts just where they connect forming letter “Y”, and that is why the first doctor diagnosed Klatskin and he sticks wit his diagnose. But the surgeon clearly explained to me that he did not see (or felt) any tumor there no matter how small, but that her liver as well as her bile ducts are tense and hard, that her gall bladder was white and looked like it will explode so he took it out,and that it all indicates existance of tumor.After getting good biopsy results, he said that it’s possible that she had some kind of cronic inflamation, but he is not sure.
    She is 64 now,she has lost 23kg (round 50 pounds!),still getting no weight back, well, I keep her on a diet – and she also got diabetes.
    I know there coul be many other reasons for her condition (sclerosing cholangitis?), I try my best with food and alternative program, but I really think I’ll ask for THIRD oppinion.
    Thanks again!


    Hi Cosinus,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here and also to hear of your mums troubles right now. You are the second Croatian member that we have had join here and both so recently and I am glad that Xepalomero has posted here. I hope the the two of you can liase with each other regarding doctors, hospitals etc in Croatia.

    Lainy is right in that your mums fever could well be as a result of an infection related to her stent, and I hope that the antibiotics will help with this. If one doctor is saying one thing and another doctor is saying something else, then maybe you could have a third doctor look at your mum for another opinion. Would this be possible?

    I do hope that you will come back here again as you will get a lot of support and help from us all and please keep us updated on what is happening with your mum.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Well, well well, the second Croatian to join this community in such a short period of time! Indeed, welcome! I joined only a few weeks ago myself (also struggling with my english, but considering the fact that these disscussion boards really do help a lot (and espacially this one if you’re dealing with CC)… it’s worth struggling)… I’m really sorry to hear about your mother’s diagnosis but I (like most probably the rest of us do) feel and think that you’re doing all the right things. And, I think that you should keep in mind that, giving all the scientific data available (on PubMed for instance) among all the causes for the bile duct stricture (of “Klatskin” type) , about 15 % are benign…And, if there’s no cancer on her ct scan after a whole year, and if the biopsy doesn’t reveal anything…you should consider asking for another opinion, don’t you think? However, many other, not so benign conditions can cause bile duct obstructions, so anything is possible, it’s hard to say. If your mom wasn’t diagnosed in one of Zagreb’s major hospitals (Rebro / Dubrava/ Sestre Milosrdnice) you may consider taking her there for check up / second opinion perhaps…
    I was thinking of doing the same in my grandma’s case (She was diagnosed in Rijeka)…still haven’t done it….for the time being….
    It’s kind of strange not to be able to write to you in croatian, but I think it may be rude toward the others on CCF forum who wouldn’t understand us…but if you need any kind of information you might feel I would be able to provide you with, please feel free to contact me via e-mail (na hrvatskom).
    Keep us updated..
    I wish you and your mother the best of luck


    Hello Cosinus – I’m sorry I can’t answer your question, but I wanted to join Lainy in welcoming you to this wonderful site. I’m sure others will be along soon, who will be able to give you much more information than I can.

    My best wishes to you & your mother.



    Hello Cosinus and a big welcome to our family. First let me say that you are doing a wonderful job as your Mother’s advocate and Care Taker. Also your English is excellent! It is not unusual to have stents changed and sometimes more often than not. The fever could be an infection from the stent which is not abnormal either. Antibiotics are good. What I don’t understand is why one doctor says there is a Klatskin if no cancer is present. Perhaps the 2 doctors can get together to discuss it, but I would let them know that there are 2 different opinions and what are they going to suggest to come to an agreement so that if treatment is required she can get on with the treatment.
    Now that I reread this your English is better than mine. Please keep us posted.


    hello everyone!
    i’ve just ran into this page, right after I’ve left my mother in the hospital for the 5th time within one year. Hope You’l excuse me while my english is not very good (writing from Croatia).
    My mother was diagnosed with Klatskin one year ago (may), after she got ercp and mrcp (we took her to the hospital when she got jaundice-prior to that,she has already lost some weight and felt sick and lost apetite).They put metal stent into her duct and she was feeling a lot better after coupple of days.
    Then, last june,she went to surgery because we wanted to be sure if the tumor was resectable. On surgery they took her gall bladder out and doctor said that he has seen no tumor,but her bile ducts and liver looked to him as if the tumor was there. Then,after only 5 days, they replaced a stent with new one. Biopsy results from bladder as well as brush biopsy from bile duct were good,no maligant cells were found, and her markers were also good.
    Doctors gave us no other possible therapy,after a month she came home. I tried to put her on a Budwig diet (flaxseed oil),and prepared her vegetable juices and teas that I grow and prepare myself (dandelion etc, all used for liver problems with no side effects).She was ok till November-jaundice again,stent was blocked,was replaced, results good -again no maligant cells.
    Now, last week some jaundice again, they cleared the stent, she came home and yesterday felt more week than ever, got fever…
    Doctor said he will replace the stent within few days,she is on antibiotics now.
    Can anyone give me some advice, one doctor says it is Klatskin, the other one(who did the surgery) is not 100% sure-says it’s possible she had a long lasting inflamation. Im worried because this will be the 4th metal stent to be put in the last 12 months, our doctor is a kind man but says barely two words per day.
    thank You

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