newbie says a teary hi

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! newbie says a teary hi

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    Welcome, welcome, D. Whatever your reasons for joining us, I hope you’ll find loads more reasons to stay. This is THE most wonderful, supportive site & I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be a part of it. You can rant, scream, cry & laugh, laugh, laugh here. It’s terrific.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Julia x


    Wow, thank you so much for all of your kind messages. I am truly overwhelmed by the warmth you have all shown. I think this is going to be a place for me to visit on a regular basis now.
    Thank you


    Welcome D,

    Just to add my sentiments….you certainly have found a wonderful board and site to gain support and guidance. I don’t think I could have found a more wonderful “family” if they were related to me. The warmth from this group of people is unbelievable.

    Welcome and hope you feel at home here as I have.

    Linda Z.


    Hi Englishgirl

    Heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your mum – and I hope that you find some comfort in meeting people on this wonderful site who really understand what you are going through.

    I am in England too, and am involved in a small UK registered charity, AMMF, whose aim is to help research teams working on cc.

    Probably seems a strange and odd thing to say – but in my experience the cc ‘family’ are just about the most wonderful people you could ever wish to meet – and most of them are regulars on these boards! So you have come to the right place …

    With love and positive thoughts.

    Helen x


    D, Welcome to the board. I am so sorry you lost your mother and you are right about being too young.

    We are a great resource of support and we have several members here who found us after the death of a loved one. If you hang around long enough, you will see that we are not your average board, more of a family who does its best to help and support each other. So please stay around.



    Hi D,

    I replied to your other post but wanted to give you a warm welcome.

    One hint: There is a search engine at the top of the page that you can use to search topics or read individual’s posts.

    You can also post questions to Dr. Giles at the top of the page.

    I’m glad you’re here. We are all helping each other!



    Hi D, and welcome to our wonderful family. Any time is a good time to join us as you will meet the most caring people from all over the World. When you are ready we would like to hear your Mum’s story. I always say that Mum’s never really leave their children and just because you don’t see her does not mean she is all around you. Glad you found us and feel free to post any time as you will see it it a pretty cathartic tool. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    D…I agree with Gavin. This site welcomes anyone, anytime. We are a global community as this disease doesn’t adhere to any geographical borders therefore; each one of us contributes in his/her own way. You are in the right place to share your thoughts and as you have mentioned you may very well help someone else by sharing your story.


    Hi Englishgirl,

    Welcome to the site although I am sorry that you had to find us. And I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. I know the pain that you are feeling right now as I lost my dad to CC last December. He was only 65 when he passed and I am 38. As you say, it is too young to lose a parent.

    I am glad that you have joined us as you will get a load of support from all of us and we can relate to how you feel and what you are going through. So please, any time you need to vent, let off some steam, ramble or just want to talk then we will be here for you. We know what it’s like and we understand.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hi all,

    I’ve just found this site for the first time even though I’ve googled this disease many times. Its just over a year since I lost my mum to what you guys call cc and the word I no longer use.

    I’m in the middle of england and a mere 35 – too young to lose my mum.

    I don’t know what I’m hoping for by joining this forum, maybe just a place to visit where people understand my pain, thoughts and ramblings and maybe my story can help someone else too.

    Just wanted to say hi before looking much further into the boards.

    Thanks for allowing me to join

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