newcomer to this site, debbie from phila

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! newcomer to this site, debbie from phila

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    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear about your husband as well. But glad that you have joined in with us all as you are in the best place for support and help and you’ll get loads of each from everyone here.

    Thanks for letting us know about your husband, he sure has been through a lot in these last 3 years hasn’t he, what a trooper! I assume that his docs have checked for a blockage of the stent? If so did they say anything about changing it or cleaning it out? When my dad was diagnosed he had jaundice and the itching real bad and the metal stent sorted that out. Is it a plastic or metal stent that your husband has? Have they mentioned chemo again and if so what ones?

    I hope that your husbands med team can get to the bottom of this and please let us know how everything goes. And please keep coming back here, we know what you are going through right now and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Debbie….I hope for others to chime in and share their thoughts with you as well. Seems that we are a bit slow on this board but hoping for interactions to pick up again.


    bbds4, Welcome to the best place to be for CC support. Sorry cannot help with the chemo or what is happening but wanted to welcome you to this fabulous family. If hubby is still itching there is a fantastic lotion I found when my husband first jaundiced. It is called Sarna and you can buy it OVC (over the counter) at any CVS or Walgreens. It really works great. The other thing is a cool shower or if the itching is in a particular spot an ice bag.
    What are the ONC/RADMAN suggesting for treatment now? I really feel another opinion is in order as 2nd opinions have been proven to be well worth it. Can the left lobe recoup? What about a liver transplant. I know everyone will want to know where your husband is being treated. Take care and please keep us in your loop as we truly care.


    Hi everybody, I am writing on behalf of my husband who was diagnosed 3 yrs ago. He has undergone surgery, external radiation with chemo, radiation seeds, and finally chemo infusion in the course of the first year. He had been doing well until this past March when he got itchy again, even though nothing has shown up on CAT scans, MRI’s, and biopsy. My husband has had multiple visits to interventional radiology and has been living with an external drainage tube that goes into a stent in his right lobe. The left lobe of his liver is no longer functional. His health seems to be getting worse. We live in the Philly area. Can anyone offer advice?

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