Newly diagnosed

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Newly diagnosed

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    Jill…..the physicians’s at King’s Hospitals very familiar with this cancer and follow the recommendations for first line of treatment, which consists of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin. It is likely for your husband to respond very well while experiencing few side effects. Following this treatment, other options may become available as well. I believe we feel best with concrete numbers such as the ones given to you however; patient health status and biological response are individual in nature and what works well for one may be much better or worse for someone else. Ultimately though, patients must make decisions none of us well are prepared to make. You too will find your way through this.


    Hi Jill,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you and your husband had to find us all here but glad that you have joined in with us now. Sorry as well to hear everything that Steve is going through with everything. Please know that we are all here for you and will help if we can. Please keep coming back and keep us updated on everything.

    My best to you and Steve,



    Dear Jill, I apologize but somehow I never saw your post. I hope you will consider another opinion as we are big believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions due to the rarity of this Cancer. How large is your husband’s tumor and where is it located?



    Welcome to out group. If you haven’t already, there is a link below with information that might be useful for those newly diagnosed. It does seem a long time that he has gone without starting the chemo. One thing about chemo, is that you can always stop. We faced the same decision with my mother, and are so happy we tried it. The first cycle was very hard until they adjusted medications and gave more fluids. However, this shrunk her tumor a bit and then she had radiation (Y90). She was diagnosed in October 2013 and is feeling very well now. There is no wrong choice- and we try to tell ourselves not to second guess our decisions.

    Best wishes,


    Steve’s surgery has been ruled out as it’s now inoperable kings hospital in London England said which cancer he had,and what stage he was at. He is going to start chemo on the 23rd of this month but is not sure about having it, they say he has 4-6 months without it and it could give him perhaps another 6 months with it. Mr waters at Maidstone oncology center is caring for him,either his chemo,and seems very nice. We have met all his community nurses and they are just amazing.


    Jill…..welcome to our special group. Can you share a bit more with us? Who diagnosed your husband and which tests have confirmed the cancer? Has surgery been ruled out?


    Predicting text is not good my name is Jill not mill


    Hi,my name is Milland my husband Steve has just been diagnosed with t4 n1 m1 and is inoperable.this was diagnosed on the 16th January and we are still waiting to see if he can have chemo. Is this about the right length of time . Please help . Many thanks

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