Newly diagnosed friend

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Newly diagnosed friend

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    I LOVE THE CARD IDEA, MARCY. Teddy loved the cards he used to get. It shows you care and yet are giving him his privacy. Good job.


    Thank you for your suggestions. I have passed them on and my husband was relieved about the ‘be yourself’ suggestion. I also passed on the website which was very helpful also. As it turns out our friend had a very bad night last and his brother called to postpone our Monday visit. They may be suspending chemo for right now. We will watch and wait. In the meantime I think I will begin sending cards that let him know that he is always in our thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to help us out. Marcy


    Marcy….I agree with Lainy in being your normal selve is of real importance. Many people shy away from speaking to someone with cancer because, they are afraid to say something inappropriate. So, they rather not talk at all.
    This website addresses this issue and may be of help to your husband:

    Your husband’s friend will be happy to know that you care and traveled the distance to see him.
    All my best wishes,
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Marcy, Welcome to our wonderful family. I am sorry to hear about your very dear friend. Just be your normal selves. I am sure he will lead the way and you just follow. When my husband had visitors he never talked about his CC but did a lot of “do you remember when”? Teddy also loved talking sports. Remember that it’s not that he is disinterested now in what he and your husband used to do but his mind is not functioning as it was. I hope you have a good visit to store in your memory bank.


    A lifelong friend of my husband was diagnosed a month ago with cc. He had lost about 80 lbs. This did not red flag his doctors as he was overweight, diabetic and had been advised to lose a lot of weight. He had retired and had a new girlfriend so we thought this was a new start for him. Pain led to the diagnosis which is not resectable and late stage having metastasized to his liver in many areas. He has been given a stint to his duodenum and an external drain. With urging from the family they started chemo last week. He is extremely stoic about it, is on large amounts of pain meds (we think) and seems to have lost interest in anything my husband and he used to talk about. We are traveling a distance to visit him. The guys own a summer house together, have been big sports fans and bird together. My husband is at a loss as to what to say when we get there. His friend now lives with his brother and his nurse wife and they report that he sleeps most of the time. They told us to come around lunchtime and we might catch him awake. We will of course keep it short according to his energy level. My husband has no words and is very nervous about saying the wrong thing, not enough, too much etc. Do any of you who have been through this with loved ones have any ideas about this?

    I also want to say that I have been following these postings for about two weeks and I am amazed at the courage and kindness of people who have been handed so much. Thank you.

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