News article on Liver Flukes in Thailand and Asia

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    Thanks Marion.


    Gavin… There were many conversations with physicians with numerous countries. Something that I had heard from 2 people is that although, it is suspected that live flukes may lead to this disease it is not for certain that it does. Many more molecular studies need to be conducted in order to understand this cancer.


    Oop’s. I just noticed that you said Taiwanees physicians and not Thai physicians, my mistake. Did you speak with any Thai doctors Marion and if so, what did they say about CC and Liver flukes?


    Yes Marion that is very sad indeed for patients in India and Thailand. Through my googling, I constantly see a ton of links for treatment centres in India, but considering the poverty in India and Thailand especially so in the rural areas, most of these patients I would imagine not be able to have any type of treatment in such centres. Hopefully at least by giving out many leaflets to the doctors then they can then be directed here. Very sad indeed.

    Glad that the info was of use to you Darla and if I find anything else I will continue to post it here. Sorry to hear that the VA are still denying your claim, but do not give up! Mum is doing a lot better thanks and is out of the hospital now. She is on a load of meds and will be getting another CT scan in a few months time. But she is home at least now and doing better, and hopefully the pneumonia won’t appear again!

    Best wishes,



    Several Taiwanees physicians stopped at our booth to converse and to retrieve CCF literature. I am hoping for some of their patients to find our site.
    My heart breaks for these patients as the palliative care virtually is non-existent. You know what that means re: pain.
    The same is the case in India. In my conversations with Indian physicians this is one subject I addressed numerous times. They are aware of it but, don’t have the means to correct it.
    Heartbreaking situation.


    Hi Darla. I am still pursuing the way Teddy died with being in a Hospice Facility here. A BIG Hospice with 22 facilities. I found a lawyer a month ago who is in the high rent district but does his work on a commission basis. He went up against this Hospice about 15 years ago and won and he feels that we have a case for sure. He is now reviewing the Hospice files he sent for. Its all a slow process as is Robin’s and my trying to heal from what we saw for those 3 days.
    If 1 Nurse is bad that can sadly happen but when 3 different Nurses, 3 different shifts do the same thing, then you know they were trained that way! I thought we were in the middle ages! Anyway, you can start by having a conference with an attorney to see if he thinks you in fact have a case that could win.
    By the way,, speaking of the Government, this will really burn you. I got a summary from Medicare of what the Hospice charged them! Now keep in mind, they were giving Teddy Tylenol for his cc instead of his Morphine! They only changed his gown once in 4 days. He never had his bed changed. Never had a bed bath or even a back rub. Didn’t eat and in fact they pretty much never were in his room. They billed Medicare $2000 a day! Outrageous!



    Thanks for finding and posting this. Great information. Now if I could only convince the VA of the connection between my husbands service in Vietnam and his death from CC many years later. They are still denying my claim and I am not getting much support from the VSO or the doctor’s involved. I haven’t given up yet. Just have to figure out the best way to continue to pursue this.

    How’s your mum doing? Will she be able to come home this week?



    Liver fluke: Opisthorchis viverrini

    Dr.Natthawut Kaewpitoon


    Thanks Lainy. Another news piece from a few months ago on Liver Flukes in Thailand.

    “Mr Banchob said about 6 million Thais are currently infected with liver flukes.

    He said bile duct cancer and liver fluke infection were diseases of the poor. They were endemic in the country and have been a burden on Thailand’s public health system for decades.

    Thailand also has the world’s highest rate of bile duct cancer estimated at 71 per 100,000 people, according to Globocan 2008, the World Health Organisation (WHO) project to report on cancer incidence and mortality worldwide in 2008.

    The project also stated that the incidence of bile duct cancer was only estimated at 0.5-1 per 100,000 people in developed countries.”


    WOW, WOW, WOW, Gavin…you are such a Sherlock Holmes! This is so interesting. Of course, me being a Curious George, I then wonder how so many others who have never been in those areas are getting CC. Perhaps the fluke is carried in the water? I notice that we seem to have more CC patients on the East and West Coasts. Good work there, Mr. Holmes!

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