News (or not) about my mum

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    Hi Jemima,

    It’s lovely to hear from you and ever better that it’s a wonderful update! I have been thinking of you both often and I’m so happy your Mom has handled the chemo so well.

    Have you got an appointment to see the Oncologist before your Moms 5th cycle? When we were discussing Dads chemo, we were told he’d have 3 cycles, then a scan which would be looked at by the oncologist to see if the chemo had worked before a 4th cycle continued. Saying that all hospitals seem to handle things differently. I’m sure you would have heard if the chemo wasn’t going to continue by now if your Mom is due her next round thursday, even with our NHS!.

    My Dads got a metal stent but we did discuss at one point putting a plastic one inside. Our Doctor told us they usually need replacing every few months but only if they start showing signs of blockage or infection. Seeing as your Mom has had none of this then I wouldn’t worry about it unless it happens. It seems like everything is flowing like it should be which I’d take as a very good sign.

    Has for coping, you will, when and if the time comes. I’d never thought I’d be able to cope but I do, some days I don’t want to get out of bed and I’m so scared. My Dad wouldn’t want me to feel like this so for his sake I carry on. One of my best friends lost her Dad to cancer last week and she was saying how looking back she doesn’t know how she coped, but she did and she’s coping ok now too. You would be suprised where you get the strength from.

    Sending lots of love and good luck wishes



    Jemima….I am sending best wishes for a clean report coming your way. And, please do not worry about the stent, as it is working just fine. I have been told that there is no set time line for stent replacement, as it can vary from person to person. Having said that, I realize that a three months time line is quite common however, we also have seen plastic stents to last up to a year. The stent will continue to drain the bile until it clogs up with sludge or other matter.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Jemima, Teddy had plactic stents that were changed every 3 months. You don’t need to wonder how you will cope as you have, you are and you will. take each day at a time and stay strong. I didn’t realize your Mum and Teddy are the same age. Sounds like she is really doing well.



    It’s great to hear someone doing so well on chemo, good for her!




    Just to add to my post and also to what Kathy has said, plastic stents can start to clog after 3 months or so. And if your mum has not had any issues with regards to clogging etc then I am guessing that this is why it has not been changed yet.

    Best wishes,



    Glad your mom is doing so well.

    I originally had plastic stents, but they were changed out every 3 months to avoid problems. It must be done differently in the UK.


    Hi Jemima,

    Thanks for the update on your mum and I am glad to hear that things are going well for her. I will keep my fingers crossed for the good news to continue for your mum. As to your mums plastic stent, i am not sure really what you are asking here. If you are asking if it is normal for a stent to be inserted and working for 5 months I would say yes, although plastic ones are more prone to clogging than metal ones. If this is not what you are meaning then please let us know and we will help again if we can.

    Hoping that your mums chemo goes well this Thursday and my best wishes to you and your mum,



    I haven’t posted about my mum for quite a while as there did not seem to be much to report really.
    She has had 4 cycles of gem/cis (2 weeks on 1 week off) and has tolerated it very well with just the odd bout of nausea which she has taken meds for. Her white cell count has been fine, she has had a little hair thinning, and once had an itchy scalp, and then a rash on her arm.
    She is definitely more tired, and occasionally gets dizzy but to be honest she is 78 years old, lives by herself and does all her own cooking, washing, shopping, driving etc etc so I think she is doing pretty well !

    She had her first scan, since starting chemo, last Monday but we have not had any results yet (good old NHS !). She is due to start her 5th cycle of chemo this Thursday but I am assuming this will depend on what the scan reveals.

    One thing which I have been meaning to ask about is her stent. She had a plastic stent put in on June 1st and so far she has had no problems with it. So it’s been in for 5 months…. is this usual ? Part of me is hoping it’s because the chemo has shrunk the tumour, but the rest of me is saying not to get my hopes up. Has anyone got experience of this ?

    Every time I see her looking well I think she’s going to be fine and then when she has a day when she looks tired I just wonder how I will cope.

    Sorry, this is just a bit of a ramble really….

    best wishes to everyone

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