News Video Piece on PDT

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    Thanks Gavin, for posting this. Gives us more hope for future developments, too.

    And Randi: I think that “2%” quote should probably be followed by words something like “of the patients diagnosed with advanced, inoperable stages” or something like that. Remember this is TV news and they like sensationalism. They’ve done quite a bit in the year since I was diagnosed. When I first started surfing the net, I found a site that said about 93% of all patients will be dead within 5 years. Someone, I can’t remember who, but it was one of the moderators, posted new percentages a month or so ago that gives us a 20% of living for a while with this. I plan on being one of the 20% and by then hopefully they will have more of a cure.
    I’m going to talk to my onc about this, but since the tumor in my body is not in the bile ducts, I don’t know that they can try this. But I’ll go to Indiana if I have to!!!!


    Hi Randi,

    My apologies to you for freaking you out. Stats….blah blah blah, don’t listen to them! Awa yi go stupid CC….and Awa yi go stupid stats an aw!!!! The “an aw” bit means as well!

    We have another word/phrase here, “havers” as in yer talking havers. Meaning that we don’t believe you and wir noo listening to yi….

    So we can say that these statisticians are talking havers, and wir nooo listening to them either!




    Thanx for posting Gavin. I guess I was a little taken aback by the 2% statistic that they quote in the news piece, but it’s nice that there are new treatments being made available. I am just always freaked out by how lucky I’ve been and how my luck could change fast.

    Awa yi go stupid CC!



    Hi Pam,

    Glad that the video was of interest to you. And my dad had PDT as his treatment to and if you are interested you can read about his experiences with the treatment here –

    Best wishes to you and Lauren,



    Interesting. Thanks Gavin.

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