No chemo again

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    I’m sorry you have to go through one thing after another. Hope your scan is good and a plan is set forth. I agree with Grover. Push to get what you want. Take care and I am praying for good things to come.

    Love, -Pam


    Kris, I thought you were going to Sloan Kettering and I thought they had a very good if not great cancer treatment area. I would start throwing some fits I think. Start being direct and ask questions, and not wait on them to decide.

    Throw your weight around, it’s your body and your battle with CC. Don’t know what else to say, but be aggressive. Push them to action.

    Lainy :) wants you to be nice, but I say push to get what you want. Which is to cure this cancer.

    Prayers coming your way.



    Kris, I can only imagine how frustrated you are. We were lucky that our ONC and Rad man always conversed! I just hate to see the positive you wasting this good energy on the non communicative professionals! Mmmmm Do ya think you could tell them how there way of working together is upsetting you? In a nice way of course. Gosh, wish there was somthing I could say or do for you! I can send you the biggest hug ever!


    Well, my CA-19-9 came thru after the appt. It’s back up to 153 from 84 in Dec. and 97 in Nov.
    I hope it’s just bouncing around. Alkaline Phosphatase is still high but it’s been high all along. Bilirubin is in normal range.
    The rest of my bloods were in the normal range. The Complete Blood Count numbers were all on the low side of normal tho. I don’t understand why they aren’t climbing since I haven’t received chemo in so long? I just looked back and some of them are actually lower than when I was receiving chemo.


    I will continue to pray for you Kris and your doctors too! Hang in there!




    I’m sorry you’re stuck in the middle of this. Lack of communication between Dr’s is a pet peeve of mine, for sure. Best of luck. I’m happy your bloodwork was good!

    Best wishes,



    Got it. But, there still is the good news about your perfect blood. Let’s celebrate.
    Hugs and love,


    That’s why I’m getting the scan. I’m hoping because of the scan she will finally give me chemo again!! (who hopes for chemo??) More to add to the “pet peeves” page. Hoping for chemo.
    My last scan was Dec. 30. The sac was smaller, but still too large for my onc to give me chemo. So she wants another scan. I understand her hesitation, really I do. But they need to talk so I can get a united front instead of 2 differing opinions.


    Kris…I understand your frustration, but you are so close to your next scan that I wonder whether it would make much of a difference. Chemo after the visits, next week?
    Hugs and love,


    She said she has no baseline. And she’s nervous because of the sac of bile in my abdomen. She connected my hospital stay to my last chemo even tho all I got was gemzar. It’s frustrating…


    But, Kris, did she say why she says no??????


    I’m getting very frustrated! My onc won’t give me chemo again. My surgeon doesn’t know why and was supposed to try to talk her into it. But she says she never talked to him. AGAIN. I really want to try to shrink the tumor a little more even though my surgeon says I can have the resection. Since my vena cava is involved, he will have to leave cells and do an oblation (burning) or electrocution of the remaining cells. I figure the smaller the tumor, the fewer cells he has to worry about. But I sure hope the former chemo treatments are still working since I haven’t had ANY chemo since November. I’m getting nervous that this next scan is not going to show shrinkage. So far so good, but I think we may be pushing our luck this time around.
    I have my next CT scan on Monday and my next appts on the 13th with my onc at 12 and my surgeon at 3:30. Figure if they won’t talk to each other I’ll pass on the info!!
    On the bright side, my onc said my blood work was good. For whatever that’s worth without chemo…
    Sorry, just needed to vent.


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