No trip to Barnes.

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    Bummer, Brenda, so sorry to hear this. Do they have such a thing as a list if there are cancellations? I love the Levaquin as it saved Teddy so many times. Good stuff and his ONC used to say what ever ails you Levaquin will take care of it! I a, wishing for you to get a call that there is a cancellation!



    Sorry to hear of the set back. I’m in Wisconsin and it is frigid here, but as cold as it is, at least we didn’t get snow this time. I had heard how everything down there was pretty much at a stand still.

    How are things going? Is there any chance of him being seen any sooner considering his condition?

    Try not to stress out too much and take it down to one minute at a time if need be. :)

    Please let us know how both of you are doing.

    Thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,


    Brenda….glad you came here to went. How is your husband feeling? Is he less confused?


    As some of you know Illinois was hit with a huge snow storm, blizzard winds and very cold conditions on sunday the 5th. Everything closed up.
    First I should say that my husband was very sick on thursday, fever, unable to pee and very confused. He was admitted with urinary tract infection and high ammonia levels. The fixed him up with levaquin and a cathater and sent him home sat night.
    They gave him good care for which I am thankful.
    We had plans to take the train down to Barnes on today for 9 o”clock appt for weds. When Amtrack cancels it has to be bad ! So now we have to wait till feb. 28
    for the next appt available at Barnes. I worry about the wasted time,is he getting sicker[ he sure is not better] I mean we started on this may 2012!
    My nerves are shot….Just thought I’d let you all know.

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