Non resectable Cc.

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    Anyone on intensity radiation modulation therapy and 5-fu -Flurouracil continuous infusion? And what results. Thanks.


    Anyone on intensity radiation modulation therapy and 5-fu flu touracos continuous infusion? And what results. Thanks


    Krisooj thanks for the info . I feel more hopeful after reading your story. We are so new at this and I have so many question that I don’t know how to start. He’s starting his second week on radiation plus chemo . Praying this time will work or at least he can have more time. Best wishes on your treatment. Thanks


    I was diagnosed in 2011 with unresectable cc. The tumor had wrapped itself around my vena cava and 2 of my 3 hepatic arteries were involved. Gem/Ox and FUDR shrank the tumor considerably, but due to other complications, I was never able to have surgery. I had to quit chemo for a while and cc spread so no surgery. I did sbrt radiation which worked fairly well for about 7 months, then was accepted into a trial. That drug worked for 2-1/2 years. Unfortunately the cancer had spread again so I am waiting until Tuesday to see if my onc and radiologist have any brilliant ideas. They are brilliant, so I’m sure hoping they figure something out. I have had one of the new areas biopsied for mutations, so hope to get that into the decision making quickly.
    I’m sorry this is so long, but I wanted you to know that although surgery is the best option for all of us, some of us do get some good results with drugs and radiation.
    By the way, I was a courier part time until last month… I just started working at Sam’s Club part time (although this may prove too much), I play local poker games and sing karaoke. Oh, yeah, I’m single….. So I don’t have a partner to worry about or to worry about me (good and bad points). But I’m pretty healthy, although I require more sleep than I used to.

    Tiah, I was on similar… Gem/Ox with FUDR which is a little stronger than 5fu.

    Good luck to both. I hope surgery becomes an option!


    Thanks Tiah for the information . Tiday was his 3rd treatment. Hoping for the best!


    Dear Tiah, that is such good news about your Mother~! Isn’t it weird how we all hope for surgery? Like winning the lottery! Thank you for your great update and here is wishing and hoping for your Mother to get her surgery. Please let us know.


    Mrucci, my mother has intrahepatic CC, and as in your husbands case she was seemed unresectable. She underwent chemotherapy with FOLFIRINOX which is quite an aggressive chemotherapy regime used commonly in pancreatic cancer. She did not receive any gem/cis. Scans showed shrinkage at 4 rounds/8 weeks of treatment, and we are due to find out further results today of a total of 8 rounds of treatment. If it shows more shrinkage they are aiming for surgery. She has had no radiation so far. I wish you and your husband all the best with his treatment,



    His tumor is close to the portal vein and veba cava . That’s why they said can’t operate until tumor shrinks.


    He had chemo first no radiation . Reason they didn’t want scaring because surgery. He’s having now chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. Chemo on a pump 24 h. And radiation 5 days a week. He’s been treated at Duke cancer center in Nc. Think it’s one of the best . He’s 55 y/o . Was diagnosed this past August . Blood screens are all ok. So far. Not sure what chemo he’s getting now. Will have to read the papers.


    So sorry to hear that however; not everyone responds to Gem/Cis. What is the second line of treatment consisting of?



    Intrahepatic . Gem/cis. It didn’t touch it . 4 treatments it actually grew .


    Mrucci….”debulking” of tumors has been around for quite some time. I assume that the present physician is advising chemo plus radiation and not a procedure called: chemoradiation.
    What type of cholangiocarcinoma does your husband have? Is it intrahepatic (inside the liver) or extrahepatic (ouside the liver?) What type of chemo regimen is he recommending?


    Dear Maribel, I am glad you found us but sorry you had too. Yes, unfortunately this is the way CC works in the beginning on most of our members. Hopefully the radiation will bring the tumor down in size so that your husband can have the surgery. We LOVE the word surgery. May I ask your husband’s age? Also where he is being treated? You want to make sure he is at a hospital and with an ONC who has experience in treating CC. Where is his CC located? Did they say why radiation first and not chemo? Wishing him the best on the radiation. Please keep us posted as we truly care and below is a site you may find helpful.


    My husband has been diagnose with cc this past August. After going to surgeon we had bad news ,no ResectBle at the moment. They are trying to shrink tumor before operation. It first round of chemo was unsuccessful . He will have a round of radiation and chemotherapy beginning in January 4 I’m so scare . Any case similar to him ? Thanks

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