Not a good update

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    Have fun. Oh, how much I would love to join you. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

    goodheartedmommy wrote:
    If anyone else wants to come to lexington, ky on june 9 for our fundraiser, they can meet me and tiffany ;)

    Come on guys! You know you wanna meet us! ;) SOO excited!!


    If anyone else wants to come to lexington, ky on june 9 for our fundraiser, they can meet me and tiffany ;)


    Dear GHM and Tiff, HOORAY! I am so highly jealous you all get to meet. There is no feeling like it. Enjoy your dinner and getting to know each other.


    Dinner sounds awesome! I think the 4 of us will come up Friday. I’m excited, so is brandy!
    I pray for Tim often, I feel like already know him. :) I know he will recover from this news.
    If you have any questions about tarceva please feel free to ask me, I have been on it almost 6 months.


    Tiff, i am so excited to meet you. I would love to take you guys out to dinner. Dad will be excited, too. We have told him all about a lot of you. He loves the gaither gospel band so mom told him you were going tha night. He was jealous!

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement, love, and advice

    Marion, i don’t know things would have been the same a few years ago. I went through a lot emotionally the last few years, and i think i was preparing for this.

    I hope the chemo is able to help with the pain. He is meeting with the surgeon to consult about the hernias. I will keep you guys updates.


    Erin…I too am sorry to hear the news. Often time’s patients do not want to stress over bad news – they just want to be treated for their illness. And, this is where we caretakers will advocate on their behalf. Speaking privately with the doctor will allow for some much needed clarification. Please, remember that your Dad may respond favorably to the proposed chemo treatment and although, disappointing news came his way – he still has another option. And, there is a good chance that his pain levels may decrease with a positive response to the treatment.
    Did you ever expect to have the kind of strengths you are displaying now?
    Hang in there.
    Hugs are coming your way,


    Erin- I’m so sorry. Yall have been so heavy on my heart. Praying things get better for Tim.

    But good news!!!

    Look like I will be seeing you soon!! I talked to my sister tonight and she and my brother in law will be running! Brian and I are going to tag along! :o)


    Dear Erin,

    I am so sorry to hear your news. I have been praying so hard that this procedure would work for your Dad. My Lauren is going to have the same procedure probably next month. Her doctors said it has a 50% success rate. I’m sorry your Dad was not on the successful side. Maybe the chemo will help. Everyone is different and responds to different treatments. Lauren chooses not to know her stage or prognosis, so I will honor her wishes and not ask. I really don’t see what it would help to know anyway. If it was bad, then we would be wondering when she would be leaving us all the time. We want to live life to the fullest every day. That is just our way of thinking. If you want to know, and think it would help you, then ask. As for pain, Lauren takes long acting Morphine twice a day and has fast acting Morphine for breakthrough pain. It works great for her. We upped her dose once from 15mg. to 30mg. and she couldn’t handle it. It made her way too high feeling. So we know it is strong stuff. If I am not mistaken, a stronger drug in the percoset family is Oxycontin. Maybe you could ask about that since your Dad does ok with percoset. I am really heartbroken by your news. I know you all had such hope for the Theraspheres. I will continue to pray that your Dad finds a treatment that works for him. Please don’t give up hope.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Erin, I am so very sorry to hear this news. Yes, you can ask the ONC what stage and what kind of prognosis he feels Dad has. It is the best way to prepare for what may be to come. If the percocet is not helping the pain the ONC needs to know that also. He may want to try something like Morphine or Fetanyl. Morphine can be started in small doses but may work better. As always, a 2nd opinion is would be wise. Best of luck and good wishes.


    Scans yesterday revealed that the cancer has spread to the tissue on the abdominal/chest wall. The doctor is going to start gemzar/tarceva as already planned.

    It turns out the pain is from this tumor and not the hernias as thought (though the hernias might still be causing some pain).

    So, obviously the radiation spheres weren’t the answer for us. We were told it is growing quickly.

    I am looking for opinions/advice for pain relief for dad. What about the pain patch? He is taking percocet with not much relief. What are the other options?

    We aren’t being given stages or prognosis. Should we be? Should we have to ask for it? Dad hasn’t asked and I want to…but not necessarily in front of him. I am on the list to get information and I am tempted to call and talk to the doctor. We were kind of dumbfounded at the appointment on Friday as we were hoping/expecting better news…or not such bad news.

    I’m sorry I don’t post often. I pray for all of you often. I do read for updates, but it is difficult to post on message boards from my phone/tablet.


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