not cc, all tests on resected liver/bile duct are negative

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    Glenda….your posting brings tears to my eyes. Now go on and have a wonderful life. May this cancer be fully be erased from your mind.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Glenda, it doesn’t get any better than this report!!! You are both so LUCKY, perhaps it’s time for a Las Vegas trip! Please feel free to drop by and visit anytime and continued good luck and best wishes.


    Took my husband for his post-surgery appointment yesterday. As Dr. Pawlik suspected after doing the resection, all tests came back negative for cancer on my husbands liver and bile ducts.

    So, I’m happy not to need to be part of this board. My heart aches for those of you who do have this horrible diagnosis.

    The interesting part of the discussion was this comment from the Dr. ‘I’ve never seen a pathology report like this, it’s weird’. Basically, a lot of blood clots in his hepatic artery which Dr had no explanation for. He’s going to send the path to a hematologist to see if he wants to see my husband. The blood clots, he believes is what caused the issues with his bile duct.

    Path report
    1) core biopsy – focal mild bile ductular proliferation and minimal fatty changed, negative for malignancy
    2) distal common bile duct margin – active inflammation, fibrinoinflammatory exudate and focal bacterial colonies. negative for malignancy
    3) right liver with extra hepatic biliary tree: remote (entirely fibrotic) as well as more recent hepatic arterial thrombi tracking along one segment of the hepatic artery. thrombi are associated with marked bile ductular proliferation, hepatic parenchumal loss, fibrosis and an intrahepatic abcess – ngative for malignancy.
    The extra and intrahepatic bile ducts show marked reactive epithelial changes, fibrosis and peribilliary gland hyperplasia but are negative for dysplasia and cancer
    -sections of the background liver show mild non-specific changes, no granulomas are seen
    4. gallbladder with nondiagnostic findings, 2 lymph nodes and associated fibroadipose tissue – negative for tumor.

    So, good news is no cancer, puzzling is what caused the problem. I asked about the augmentin he had taken shortly before he started having these issues, but they don’t think that caused it.

    Best wishes to all in their battle and many thanks for the support you’ve given.


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