not going well

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    I’m sorry to hear the treatment is not working out as expected. You have been an inspiration to me and many more in the CC community and know that you and Hans are in my thoughts.



    Hi Kris and Hans and family

    I am thinking of you, stay strong, lovely Kris, my prayers are with you all.

    With lots of love and hugs



    I’m so distressed to know you are suffering so much. I’m sorry to hear Fridays procedure didn’t help with the vomiting. I’m sure you are exhausted. I’m glad your mom will be staying another week. Please let us know what your surgeon has to say. You are the best Kris. You are on my mind all the time.
    Love, Betsy



    Your spirit is strong and will guide you as you make this next turn in your journey. Know that there are many, including myself, who have thought about you so frequently these past weeks and with each thought came a prayer for your strength and healing and will continue.



    Oh Kris,

    I have no advice for you except trust your instincts. They’ve always been spot on.

    I am sending hugs and prayers for strength to you and your family.


    I don’t have words to express what I am feeling. You are an inspiration to everyone. I pray that your surgeon has something in his bag of tricks that he hasn’t thought of yet. I pray that God gives him a solution for you. I will keep you, Hans and your family in my prayers. God Bless,



    Thinking of you, Hans and your family. You are all in my thoughts & prayers.

    With Love & Hugs,


    All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. I wish there was more that we could say or do to help, but all we can do is send our love. I’m glad your parents are there with you and Hans. I hope the surgeon has one more trick up his sleeve to stop the bleeding. That has to be very scary. Take care, Kris. Love, Mary


    Hi Kris,
    My Dad has cc, and has really just started on his journey, but as this cancer is discovered so late in most cases is having a tough time too – although not quite to the degree that you are at the moment.
    This is such an emotionally draining journey anyway, and the side effects of the treatment sometimes seem worse that the symptoms of the disease.

    Dad has always been an active person and has never been in hospital prior to his diagnosis. He has voiced that he is sick and tired of being stuck in a hospital bed, and really looks forward to his passes for a few hours. He’s usually exhausted when he gets back to hospital, but is recharged for the next day of boredom.

    It must be very frigtening and distressing for you and your family to be vomiting blood.

    We are all thinking of you and send you positive thoughts and prayers. Your journey, and attitude throughout it has been an inspiration to us all.


    Hi Kris, you are the very brightest star shining in the dark of Julia’s strap line, hoping the docs can come up with some radical plan for you, if the power of positive thought & prayer can help then you & your docs should be inundated by the power coming from everyone on here! Thinking of you, x


    Dear Kris, I admire you so much – your strength, resilience, humour & compassion are inspirational. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers every day. I will keep praying for the docs to delve further into their bag of tricks & come up with new plans. As Lainey says, we love you loads. Best wishes, love & hugs from London. X



    I wish I had advice for you, but we are just starting our journey here and have already learned so much from you. I am sure in a moment of clarity you will know what’s best for you. You have helped so many with your experience, attitude and perseverance…and I know that countless people around the world are sending every positive thought they can muster your way.



    Kris, it is always a tough decision “to chemo or not to chemo”. You will make the right decision, you always have. Just know that we all love you immensley and everything we have in thoughts and prayers is floating your way and to your family.


    Neither the surgery or the stent has relieved my vomiting problems. I am slowly losing strength and am just plain tired. I am now vomiting mostly blood. I am tired of the hospital though I do get some day passes and those are great.

    My dad returns tomorrow and my mom is staying 1 more week. It has been difficult emotionally. I think I will speak to the surgeon tomorrow and see what he says. But I think I have used up his bag of tricks. We will be discussing if I should continue with chemo or not. Tough decision. How does one make it?

    Keep my family in your thoughts.


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