Not sure

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  • #95270

    summer…looks like your mom has reached maximum benefit with gem/cis. Has a second line of treatment been recommended?



    Hi everyone,

    My mum started on Gem/Cis in March of this year and prior to treatment commencing had ascites drained from her abdomen. During the three cycles of chemotherapy mum has suffered with adema in her legs and low potassium magnesium. Last week the ascites returned as well as extremely low platelets. She has had platelets put in and drain again.

    The oncologist treating my mum is not that familiar with cholangiocarcinoma and has advised today that chemotherapy is not working. When we asked about the size of the tumor etc he said it wasn’t necessary just they know it isn’t working due to the ascites accumulating. This all seems a little too vague and also we are left wondering if there are other options available.

    We have an appointment with an expert in a couple of weeks.

    I would value anyone’s opinion on this.

    Thank you

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