Not the news we were hoping for.

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    Hi Pam!
    My thoughts and prayers go you and Lauren. I have a Lauren too. She’s 24. I had to chime in because getting news that overwhelms you is tough. Please hang in there.
    God Bless you and Lauren!!


    i am so sorry to hear your news. i know you cant help but worry. try to think positive and continue be the great support for lauren that you are. my sister had a spot on her liver and they were concerned it was a new tumor but it turned out to be a lesion. i will pray for a good result.
    take care


    Hi Pam,
    Hang in there and wait until the results of the new MRI. I know it’s distressing news but it could be something less serious. Sometimes the doctors get things wrong and scare the heck out of you.

    I’m sending you and Lauren huge hugs from Chagrin Falls.


    Pam-like all the other post I too am just schocked and devasted for you, like all the other post lets give it to God and pray, pray pray. Try to take comfort in the fact you are in the hands of great medical care that want to fight as much as Lauren!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Pam, like you said, How can this be? So let’s say it’s not a new tumor but directly related to the Theraspheres. Im going with a dead spot. That would make the most sense. Please try to rest and have a nice weekend. You and Lauren are such positive people, and I know this little bump will not get you down for too long. I’ll be thinking and praying for good news on Tuesday. Please let us know if you need anything. Pam


    It does not have to be a tumor!! My experience of direct treatments in the liver is that there can be other complications afterwards, scars and necrosis. Stay positive! I had suddenly had TWO new lesions 4-5×1 cm last summer one month after embolization and it hasn´t changed my life att all – they are still not sure of what it is. But I´m still in best of health!!!! Keep it up!!!


    Dear Pam, I’m thinking of you all and sending love and masses of positive thoughts your way xxxxx


    Pam,I am sorry you had that news,you must feel like you have been hit by a sledgehammer,it is like reliving the original diagnosis a bit.I have a son the same age as Lauren and I know how tough you are doing it,mother to mother.Take extra care of yourself so you can keep up the great care you are giving……and lets just wait for these extra tests and see what they reveal


    Sending prayers your way, please try to hang in there..waiting is the worst part. Hoping and praying it’s nothing serious.



    Pam and Lauren,
    My prayers are with you.


    I am so sorry to hear this news. I too hoped that the Y90 worked. But I am going to pray it’s a lesion in the liver. LESION, LESION… say it enough and God will hear you.
    I told Lauren she could call me anytime. But you can, too. I’ll inbox you my number in FB.
    You need to stay strong for her, so if you want to vent and cry (away from her) give me a call if you need to. I’ll cry and vent right along with you.
    You know Lauren is always in my prayers. I will send extra energy her way and have a long talk with God about this…
    Besides, she has to be okay for Labor Dayish when we finally get to meet!!!
    Love and hugs,


    Oh no, Pam. I will pray it is not a new tumor. And now you have to wait for another test and wait for the results. It’s just so unfair. I’m sure you are all a mess. Please keep us posted. I know you will. Tell Lauren to hang in there and let her know lots of extra prayers will be said for her.

    Take care,



    Pam, I am so upset for you and Lauren. I am praying with all my might it is nothing serious. Just one suggestion that I don;t even know if it will work. If under 7 cm could they try Cyber Knife? Hang in girl, be very, very strong. I will be thinking about you girls all weekend.


    Lauren had a CT scan yesterday at U of M. She was supposed to have labs, oncologist visit, and chemo today. The report said that Lauren had a new 4cm. tumor in the side that had Theraspheres on May 16. How can that be. It wasn’t there 3 months ago and I don’t think it was there May 16th. Lauren asked her oncologist so many questions. He is baffled as well. He said that if this is indeed a new tumor then her cancer is progressing. We are devastated by this news. She has been doing so well and we had such hope for the Theraspheres. Her doctor did say the spot could also be something else like a dead spot from the Y90, or a blood clot. He ordered an MRI for as soon as possible. She is having one on Tues. morning. This will give a clearer picture as to what the spot is. Her doctor did not want her to have chemo today because he said if this is a tumor, it means her chemo is not working. He said if it is a tumor he will change her chemo to Xeloda and Oxaliplatin. I assume if it isn’t a tumor, we will continue with the same chemo, Gemzar and 5-FU. More than likely it is a tumor, but please pray it is something less serious.

    Love, -Pam

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