Now in Hospice

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    It seems Hospice care has been very helpful for my MIL. She has been feeling better since stopping the chemo and although she gets tired often she is able to rest better I think. We will be seeing her again this weekend and I hope for a very nice visit with her which seems to boost her mood and spirits very much.

    I am glad for the good days she has and for her feeling so much better since stopping chemo. Not much else to report but felt to share that she was getting good comfort care.



    Thank you for your kind words. My MIL seemed to enjoy our visit with her last night. She is yellow again like she was back in March and the swelling in her feet and ankles is pretty bad. She is gettting compression socks soon and that is supposed to help some with the discomfort of the swelling.

    The dr and Hospice nurse have said she has about 4 weeks left. That seems way too soon though. I know they cannot predict that exactly. She is sleeping a lot and doesn’t eat much (a few tablespoons at a time), but she was alert when awake albeit very drawn and drowsy while we were there. She napped on and off with us there talking and visiting with her. She just is so exhausted. I know she  will be getting some better care now with the Hospice nurses coming.



    I understand your pain during this difficult time.  This diagnosis is painful to begin with and very complicated, also knowing there is a time when one will face hospice.  The most important is your presence and offering her emotional support and comfort where she expresses the need.  Also having a strong medical team is important.  Thanks for sharing as all of us can relate.



    Dear Mary,

    Thank you for your kind words and input. Yes, that is right. She is often worried about being a bother. I feel my that maybe my husband and I need to talk with her very personally and make sure she knows to make her wishes known and that she is not putting anyone out by asking for help in regards to her pain or comfort level because that is what the Hospice nurses are there for. She is always feeling unworthy of help or anything good which is so sad to me. I hope she will be honest about her comfort level so she can be at ease.

    I will keep you posted on what is going on as time goes on. I very much appreciate your prayers and words of advice.


    Dear Hopeseeker,

    I am sorry to learn your MIL’s health has taken a downturn.  I know this news was tremendously difficult for you and your husband to hear.  Your MIL is blessed to have loving family members to help her at this time.

    Hospice care will support your MIL’s quality of life, both physical and emotional. It is important that her needs, whether related to pain relief, nourishment or otherwise, be clearly communicated to the hospice nurses so she can be comfortable and feel well.  You had mentioned your MIL is sometimes hesitant about speaking up.

    I hope you will stay in touch and let us know how your MIL is doing.   Please count on my prayers and best wishes.

    Regards, Mary



    Sad news…..My MIL had her appointment with her oncologist today and he has now put her on Hospice. The Hospice nurse will be coming in the morning to start her care. My MIL is taking it very hard. I have known she was going down hill but wasn’t sure how far she was. Her symptoms were all pointing to this, but I was clinging to the hope that it was just the chemo causing bad reactions.

    She has been sleeping a lot, has no energy or much desire to do anything, not eating much and gets sick often when she does eat. She is also depressed, but I understand and that is so very common with the end of life cycle that comes for some.

    My Husband is very sad, but has told his mom how much he loves her and how he knows she loves him too. He has told her that she will be in a much better place with no pain or agony anymore once her time has come. He doesn’t want to lose his mom, but he does see that the end is near. I have been praying all along that she will not suffer and can rest at ease until her time does come to an end here on earth. She has had a hard life and to see her hurt more, makes me sad. She’s a kind and loving woman. She has fought a hard fight and now I just want her to rest and not be in pain. She may have many months left, but the ends stages are upon us.

    Any advice, tips or words of wisdom are much appreciated. Her caregiver is her sister and is doing an amazing job of loving and caring for her all the time. The Hospice nurses will be a major blessing and help though.

    Thank you all for the words of encouragement and help along the way. This cancer is a beast of a burden to carry.



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