Nutrition/holistic measures during recurrence

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Nutrition/holistic measures during recurrence

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    There are many “natural” or “holistic” recommendations that can be considered. You may want to research the Naturopathic Doctors in your area as a means of trying to promote wellness for your mom as she undergoes treatment. I personally see a ND in my area and while she is a “women’s health” specialist, the practice has 7 or 8 doctors and one specifically focuses on patients undergoing Cancer treatment.

    The site has a physician search feature:

    Also, as an aside one of the big elements of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America program is the addition of more holistic healing to the clinical treatments. FYI



    Hi Kimmie,

    As well as using the search engine that Lainy mentioned, perhaps you will find some more answers to your questions if you look in the nutrition part of the website.

    Best wishes to you and your mum,



    Hi Kim….not sure about all the nutrition stuff but Milk Thistle has been brought up on our Board many times. If you use the Research Engine at the top of the page and type in Milk Thistle all the posts about it will appear. Also there is a wonderful book called the “Anti Cancer” book. It is excellent and you might find that very helpful in clarifying a lot of nutrition questions. I know quite a few of our members have bought the book and loved it. No matter what you do it is a good step forward.


    My Mom was dx with CC in May 2009, a very large mass on her left lobe. Resection that July followed by Gem/Cis through December. Scans and bloodwork were clear and she was deemed in remission. We just found out last week it’s returned in the form of smaller masses throughout the liver. No apparent mets anywhere. We are still waitng to hear what the Tumor Board’s recommendations will be – palliative chemo or radiation or what.
    My question is about nutrition and treating her body well. A social worker my sister works with (who is a hospice nurse) recommended Milk Thistle, which she was going to buy for my Mom. Any other natural supplements you could recommend? Certain foods that help detox or otherwise are good for the liver? Less or more protein? More fresh veggies/fruit?
    She is 63 and on various medications including high blood pressure and cholesterol. And with all her routine bloodwork often her glucose (fasting)seemed high to me too, but she’s not taking anything for that. She doesn’t have the best eating habits, but I just thought if there was something she could eat more of or take or do, it’s not going to hurt. Heck, I’m thinking I’ll research it for her, go get all of it and say “HERE – eat this and take that!”

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