Odds & what they mean…

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    Hi Tj:

    I will join Lainy (and Teddy, the miracle man) in welcoming you to this site. Humm, 10% eh? Well that could mean that out of 100 CC Patients your mom will be in the 10% that beat this cancer! Or it could mean that out of 100 years your Mom will still be here in 10 years! I guess it’s better than saying that there is no chance at all! I would not look too much at the 10% because most doctors SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW! And I’ll even bet that your Mom does not have an expiration date stamped on her butt!

    I agree with Lainy in that the hope, faith and attitude are what is important to one surving this cancer. You mom should be living life to the fullest, taking advantage of those days when she feels well enough to go and do things! Spend time with her and make those memories!

    Prayers are coming your Mom’s way from Wisconsin!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.

    Margaret (My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma)


    Hi TJ. Got me! Never heard it put that way before. I do know that we try not to listen to numbers or dates. Everyone is so very different and all react so differently to treatments. We have people who have survived beyond expectations. My husband is a Miracle as are others on our Board. The best we can do is to try to hang in for new treatments and to have tons of hope, faith and attitude. I think it is a very good sign that the tumors seem to be shrinking and I am sure you will hear from others that have had this same combination of treatment. Good luck and keep us posted.


    It’s been a while since I have posted.

    Mom is still trucking along with Chemo. She had a pet scan done which the Dr. thought she may be a candidate for Radiation because she saw some signs of shrinkage. We were so excited.

    Mom met with the Head of Radiology and he said he would take her for 6 weeks to see. She asked him what were the chances/time left for her and he said he didn’t like to give months or years but percentages.

    She was given a 10% chance to live. What does that does that mean exactly? How long is 10%?

    Someone please share with me what 10% looks like.

    Love all of you,


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