Last weekend was the longest three days of my life. My husband had an EUS on Friday to find out if the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. We knew the results wouldn’t be in until Monday, but I jumped each time the phone rang. Finally, at 6 pm on Monday night, the doctor called to tell us that the cancer HAD NOT SPREAD and he is still on track for a liver transplant. Receiving that news was the happiest moment of my life. Happier even than the day we got married. How can a disease as terrible as this contribute to such happiness?
John is also a candidate for a living donor, as the wait for a deceased donor would be too long. I have started the process of being a potential donor. I am hoping that I get the chance to do it. John also has other potential donors, and the doctors will choose the best candidate. These are the two things I have been praying for, and they have come to fruition. I am a grateful woman.