ONTARIO, CANADA – Regional Cancer Centre Locations

Discussion Board Forums Hospitals & Physicians ONTARIO, CANADA – Regional Cancer Centre Locations

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    Tracy, cc does not always progress rapidly, but it is rare (~ 2000 new cases/yr in the US). BC of that, convenience must be pretty far down the list of criteria, since the best care is almost solely available at major cancer centers. Don’t get me wrong, cc CAN progress very quickly, so time is not own friend here.

    In my own case, I was treated in NYC at NY Presbyterian and operated on by their brilliant surgeon, Dr. Tomoaki Kato. BTW, NYP is about a 6.5 hour trip from home and I would do it again if needed. I now go there every six months for onc followups. In my mind, it’s all about who you trust with this nasty disease.

    Why is surgery not an option? My surgeon, Dr. Kato, has operated on successfully on a number of ‘inoperable’ patients. Certainly, there are some patients who are inoperable, but I would seek a second and maybe a third opinion from the very best you can find.

    Good luck getting treatment for your mother.


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    Thanks Raye…..I can always count on you.
    Best wishes,



    I’ll poke around on the web and see what I come up with. The closest care to NB would be McGill University Hospital in Montreal. That is an excellent hospital that has the expertise for CC patients.


    Hello Tracy…I would like to follow Lainy in welcoming you to our site. Tracy, I am enclosing a link to a thread from the Halifax area which may be of help to you:
    Hopefully, some of our other Canadian members will step forward and list some of their physicians.
    If you do not receive a response please, re-post. Not all members visit this site regularly therefore, at times it helps to put out the request again.
    Ray, do you have any suggestions?

    Good luck and best wishes,


    Dear Tracy, welcome to our wonderful family and we are so very sorry about your Mom. If you have any doubts at all we so believe in 2nd and 3rd opinions.
    Gather your Mom’s tests and take them with you to your new choice and make sure it is a doctor who has dealt with CC before. We have some members here from Canada and I am sure you will be hearing from them soon. In the meantime we do have a section on our Home page that lists medical facilites and doctors. Or you can use our search engine at the top of the page and type in Canada Hospitals and posts will appears with articles from Canadian members. Good luck and please keep us posted.


    My name is Tracy and I live in Moncton, New Brunswick Canada (East Coast).My mom was just diagonised yesterday with cholangiocarcinoma. The cancer is in the bile duct and surrounding lymthnodes. It hasn’t spread to any organs yet. We were told that she has just 6 months. Maybe a year if she does chemo. Surgery and radiation is not an alternative. Should we seek a second opion? Maybe the Ontario Cancer Center. Does anyone know if there is one closer to where we live? Maybe Halifax, Nova Scotia or…
    We were told this is a very rapid cancer so if there’s anything anyone can help us with. I just don’t know what to do or where to go from here.

    New Brunswick, Canada

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