Oprah Letters Extened a Few Days

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    Yes, I got it yesterday. I did respond to everyone with a short note so that they would know I got their letters and so sorry if you didn’t get my answer.
    Also very sorry that Lee is not doing well. I can only imagine how hard the task of telling your daughter. Words cannot describe. Stay strong and know that you are not alone on this road as we are thinking about you and sending you our prayers.


    Lainy, just me up the way! Just curious if you got my letter last night…Lee has been soooo sick…I finally told my little girl….do whatever you like…I need to write to Oprah….



    Good Morning, Fun Seekers! I have 16 letters and Sophie is mailing me 4 more so if you have not sent your letter for the Oprah Show you now have a couple of more days until I get the letters from Sophie. Please e mail all letters to me, now. Remember 1 page will do it and then I will send everything to the Show. I even have the envelope addressed and ready to go and will send it with a receipt requested, more official you know! Hope everyone is having a better day!

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