Optimism from San Diego

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Optimism from San Diego

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    Hi Doug,

    Welcome to the site. Wow, you sure have been through so much lately. Glad that you’ve joined in with us here as you will get loads of support and help. And if we can help in any way at all then just ask and we’ll do our best to help in answering any questions that you have.

    It sure sounds to me like you have an action plan put in place by some top notch doctors and onc’s and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the best outcome for you here. I hope that all goes well for you on the 8th and please let us know how this goes for you. We are all here for you Doug.

    Best wishes,



    Doug….I would like to follow Lainy and welcome you to our site. Many things are working in your favor, Doug. You have an excellent team of physicians working with you, priorities are set in re: to treatments, and your boxing gloves are on.
    I will be thinking of you on May 8th and wish for the treatment to achieve the absolute best results.
    For further reference – the Prostate Cancer Foundation
    is a great resources to patients dealing with prostrate issues.
    Hang in there, good luck, and please keep us posted. We care and we are in this together.


    Hello Doug, from San Diego. You have really run the gamut. Please let us know what the latest test results are as we truly care.


    Hi all:
    In September I went to my urologist for regular semi-annual check and PSA came back at 3.9. He said that wasn’t bad BUT he didn’t like the short time that it took to get there – so next was biopsy. My wife and I then went to Hawaii to celebrate our 25th and I received a cell-phone call from the Dr. saying that I did have prostate cancer but it was early stage, etc. and to come in when we return. We did go in and decided to go the radiation route of treatment so next step was radiation oncologist. We went to him and he planned out the sessions but said that as a routine procedure he first wanted a body CAT scan. Wow! This showed CC with large tumor in liver. I now thank God that he had the intuition to a CAT scan before he began his treatment.
    So I got in to a WONDERFUL oncologist with the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) medical group and immediately went through 6 sessions (12 sittings) of chemo. My CA-19-9 began at 900 and yesterday is down to 171!! I also consulted a world renown liver transplant surgeon, Alan Hemming, MD at UCSD who said at this time I was not a surgical candidate because I have had open heart surgery, am 75 years of age, and the tumor is very large and complicated. So my next step was Interventional Radiology, again at UCSD, where I have started with the Y-90 radioisotope therapy. I have had the first part – the mapping/angiogram and the first injection will be May 8. Dr. Hemming, the surgeon, said that he will re-consider me for surgery after this is finished. then – the prostate issue – the urologist says it appears stable, PSA now 3.8, so guess it’s not a priority. I would like to look into he hormone injections and/or radioactive bullets they can inject.
    More later as things progress!
    Doug from San Diego

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