Options for post surgery treatment ideas?

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  • #41020

    Matty….I would also like to follow Dale and Lainy and welcome you to our site. Your mother in-laws quick and easy recovery is very promising indeed. As Lainy has mentioned we are staying realistic and optimistic and we thrive on good news. Your mother in-law may very well give us much reason to celebrate in the future. Please, keep us posted.
    Best wishes,


    Dear Matty, welcome to our family! That is just great news about your Mother-in-law. The fact she is doing so well after her surgery is a good sign. We have learned to live each day at a time and we do have some good success stories on our site. You can use our search engine at the top of the page to find stories that are full of good information. We always try to remain Realistically Optimistic. Please keep us posted on her progress and wishing her continued success.


    MattyD, that’s great news about your mother-in-law’s surgery. I was diagnosed with stage 2 CC, 6+ years ago. My tumor was 4.5-to-5cm. I had a liver resection, and 75% of my liver was removed. The margins were negative for any remaining cancer, but very close, just millimeters. They recommended adjuvant therapy. So following my surgery I had 6 weeks chemo and radiation. My chemo was in pill form, Xeloda.

    Following my surgery, and chemo and radiation, I was tired and pretty weak. But slowly, each day, I would feel better, and knew I was progressing and getting better. I took it one day at a time.

    Although we can not guarantee the cancer can/will come back, there are many success stories on this site. As I mentioned, I am now at 6+ years as a survivor, and basically “cancer free”. I wish the best for your mother-in-law in her recovery and journey.



    I am an ex-pat living in Japan and recently my mother in-law just had surgery for stage 3 bile duct cancer. On July 22nd she had two thirds of her liver removed due to the placement of the tumor on her bile duct where it meets the liver. She came out of surgery fine and felt very little pain. She is starting a 6 month chemotherapy Gemzar treatment on Monday August 30th. We were wondering if anyone out there has any success stories about post surgery treatments to prevent the cancer ever coming back?

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