Other treatment alternatives

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    A fourth year fighter… Here’s praying for many many more!
    Have you looked into trials? I’ve been on one for 5 months, and while its not changing, the good news is its not changing!!
    Good luck.


    Thanks to all for your responses. I just got a phone call from MD Anderson that she is not a candidate for proton therapy as she has reached her radiation limit. I guess now it’s just a matter of time at this point.

    While I am here though I’d like to say how pleased I am with the doctors and nurses at Winship Cancer Center and Emory University Hospital. The cancer was rather large when she was first diagnosed. Yet she is managing to survive after 4 years.


    Good luck to you, I hope this works out



    Mda does offer proton therapy for bile duct cancer but they do have to evualuate you to see if your a candidate


    GTM I am so very sorry to hear about your wife’s situation now. As far as I know either Mayo or MDA are good, let’s see if any more suggestions come up. I don’t know for sure of other treatments as my husband never had chemo and had only 25 treatments or radiation. I just want to wish you the best of luck and Be Strong!


    My wife has non-resectable bile duct cancer and is not a candidate for a liver transplant. She can no longer take radioembolization with Y-90 or chemotherapy.

    I was thinking about checking with MD Anderson and Mayo in Jacksonville to see if they had any other therapies that she might tolerate.

    I know MD Anderson has a Proton therapy. However I don’t know if it works on Bile Duct Cancer.

    Has anyone been to either of these hospitals and received anything other than chemo or radiation?

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