Our New Blog!

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    I love the name as well! Probably what we all said the very first time that we all heard CC I would argue.

    So looking forward to reading much more from Sarah. Thank you Sarah!



    Oh, I LOVE the Cholangio WHAT?????? Which reminds me of one of Marions favorite stories!

    Keep in mind that Teddy was an old Sicilian! Had a visitor from Milwaukee named Rocco (yes Rocco) and went to our favorite Italian Restaurant. Teddy was wearing his CC bracelet and Rocco asked him what was written on it. T never could pronounce the name so he just said, “Oh that’s my Cancer…..ANGELO carcinoma!” I actually turned to the wall as I didn’t want to laugh but I thought leave it to my husband to make his Cancer a Sicilian! And that is how we rolled!!!


    Many thanks to Sarah, definitely a role model for us all and her children. And thank you, Gavin for alerting us to all this awesomeness!



    This is great! Thanks for calling attention to it. Thanks also to Sarah for her efforts.



    Hi All!

    Have you had a look at our new blog yet? If not, it can be found here so please take a look at it.



    The name of the blog has been changed as well from the Loose leaf Notebook and is now called CholangioWhat? We hope that you like the new name!

    The blog will be written by Sarah Bennett and here is a bit about Sarah and what the blog will involve.

    About the Author

    Sarah Bennett was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma on July 9, 2014. Through this blog, she will share her unique perspective as a young mother living with this disease. She hopes that by telling her story, she will be able to connect with others, and let them know they are not alone.

    The Blog is now interactive so that you can join the conversation too! We hope to hear from as many of you as possible.

    Thank you Sarah!


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